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                                                                           Chapter 13: Metabolic disorders 515

                    The first enzyme, ALA synthetase is the rate-limiting  which converts homocysteine into methionine, us-
                  step. Enzyme deficiencies result in increases in metabolic  ing folic acid as a co-factor.
                  intermediates, which are excreted and accumulate in tis-     Vitamin deficiencies (folate, and to a lesser extent
                  sues. This results in neurological, visceral symptoms and  vitamin B 6 or vitamin B 12 ).
                  photocutaneous manifestations. Pophyrias may mani-     Smoking and chronic illnesses, e.g. renal failure.
                  fest as acute or chronic disease, the excess porphyrins
                  deposit either in the liver (hepatic porphyrias) or in the  Pathophysiology
                  bone marrow (erythropoetic porphyrias).       There are several postulated mechanisms by which ho-
                                                                mocysteine may have its atherogenic and prothrombotic
                                                                effects, including increased uptake of LDL cholesterol
                  Clinical features/management
                                                                into the arterial intima (to form foam cells), smooth
                    Acute intermittent porphyria is inherited in an auto-

                                                                muscle cell proliferation, activation of clotting factors
                    somal dominant fashion. It presents in adult life with
                                                                and a pro-aggregatory effect on platelets. There may
                    abdominal pain, vomiting and constipation, polyneu-
                                                                also be a pro-inflammatory effect by upregulating neu-
                                                                trophils through increased expression of cytokines such
                                                                as IL-8, and oxidative stress caused by free radicals pro-
                    gested by leaving the urine to stand, which turns red
                                                                duced during the oxidation of homocysteine.
                    Porphyriacutanea tarda presents with a bullous pho-

                                                                Clinical features
                    todermatitis precipitated by alcohol. Urinary levels of
                                                                1 Homocystinuria presents in childhood with devel-
                    uroporphyrinogen (the substrate for the deficient en-
                                                                 opmental delay. Other features include a Marfan’s
                    Congenital erythropoietic porphyria is inherited in

                                                                 disease and severe premature atherosclerosis.
                    an autosomal recessive fashion. It causes an extreme
                                                                2 Hyperhomocysteinaemiawithouttheotherfeaturesof
                    photosensitivity with dystrophy and scarring.
                                                                 homocystinuria has been found to be associated with
                    Erythropoietic protoporphyria is inherited in an au-

                    tosomal dominant fashion. The photosensitivity that
                                                                 are less strong than those of, e.g. hypertension, dia-
                    results can be controlled with β-carotene by an un-
                                                                 betes mellitus and smoking. It is more strongly asso-
                    known mechanism.
                                                                 ciated with an increased risk of pulmonary embolism
                                                                 and deep vein thrombosis.
                                                                Homocysteine levels can be measured (normal be-
                  Raised levels of homocysteine (an amino acid formed
                                                                ing 5–15 µmol/L, moderate 15–30 µmol/L and severe
                  by the conversion of methionine to cysteine) have been
                                                                >100 µmol/L). A methionine challenge can be given to
                  associated with premature atherosclerotic disease.
                                                                induce a rise in homocysteine levels in those with nor-
                                                                mal fasting levels, but the clinical significance of this is
                  Aetiology                                     unknown.
                  1 Severe hyperhomocysteinaemia with raised homocys-
                    teine levels in the urine is due to a rare autosomal  Management
                    recessive disorder called homocystinuria.   Increased folic acid intake reduces homocysteine lev-
                  2 Moderate homocysteinaemia occurs in approximately  els. Vitamin supplementation with folic acid, vitamin
                    5–7% of the population. Causes include the following:  B 6 and vitamin B 12 is advocated by some for those with
                      Genetic defects in enzymes involved in homocys-  premature cardiovascular disease and recurrent venous

                      teine metabolism. The enzyme affected most com-  thromboembolism. There is as yet no clear evidence that
                      monly (approximately 10% of the population) is  supplements should be given to all those with ischaemic
                      avariant of methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase,  heart disease, although several trials are in progress.
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