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                     Genetic syndromes                                                         14

                    Patterns of inheritance, 516

                    Patterns of inheritance                     Rises with increasing maternal age (1 in 3000 when
                                                                mother is less than 30 years to 1 in 300 when mother
                   Autosomal dominant:Mendelian pattern of inheritance  is 35–40 years and 1 in 30 in women above 45 years). Be-
                   where the presence of a single abnormal allele is able  cause of the high birth rate in mothers below 35, half
                   to produce the disease. There may be reduced expres-  of all Down syndrome children are born to mothers
                   sion of the condition if the condition does not have full  below 35.
                   penetrance (see Fig. 14.1 and Table 14.1).
                     Autosomal recessive: Mendelian pattern in which  Age
                   both genes must be defective to produce the clinical phe-  Congenital.
                   notype (see Fig. 14.2 and Table 14.2).
                     X linked conditions are those that appear on the X  Sex
                   chromosome, i.e. are linked to the sex of an individual.  M = F
                   There is no male-to-male transmission, daughters of an
                   affected male will be obligate carriers. In X linked domi-  Geography
                   nant conditions, females may also demonstrate the clin-  All ethnic communities.
                   ical phenotype, and may also demonstrate mosaicism
                   as a result of random X inactivation (see Fig. 14.3 and  Aetiology
                   Table 14.3).                                 75% of cases result in spontaneous abortions in the
                     Mitochondrial: Anumber of conditions that do not  first trimester. The additional chromosome 21 is usually
                   follow normal Mendelian patterns of inheritance. In this  (94% of cases) the result of non-disjunction of chromo-
                   set of conditions males and females may be affected, but  some 21 during the formation of the maternal ovum. In
                   only the offspring of female sufferers may be affected.  rare cases there may be a maternal translocation (3%)
                   These conditions result from the maternally inherited  involving chromosome 21 with the extra 21 attached
                   mitochondrial DNA, which code for at least 37 mito-  to another chromosome, e.g. Robertson translocation
                   chondrial enzymes (see Table 14.4).          between 21q and 14 or 22. In about 3% of cases there
                                                                is mosaicism with some cells demonstrating a normal
                   Down syndrome                                karyotype.

                   Definition                                    Pathophysiology
                   Down syndrome is the clinical condition usually result-  The Alzheimer’s disease seen with Down syndrome is
                   ing from a trisomy of chromosome 21 first described by  thought to be due to the presence of three copies of the
                   Langdon Down in 1865.                        amyloid protein gene on chromosome 21.

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