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                                                                        Chapter 14: Patterns of inheritance 517

                                                                                             Unaffected Male
                                                                                             Affected Male
                                                                                             Unaffected Female
                                                                                             Affected Female

                  Figure 14.1 Autosomal dominant

                  Table 14.1 Examples of autosomal dominant inherited conditions
                  Disease             Locus  Gene
                  Achondroplasia      4p     FGFR3     Mutation in a fibroblast growth factor receptor causes dwarfism
                                                         (90% new mutations)
                  Adult polycystic    16p    PKD1      Abnormal membrane proteins (polycystin) cause
                    kidney            4q     PKD2        development of cysts in kidney and other organs
                  Familial retinoblastoma  13q  RB1    Loss of tumour suppressor gene causing a retinoblastoma
                  Gilbert syndrome    2q     UGT1A1    Disorder of glucoronidation causing jaundice
                  Hereditary spherocytosis  8p  ANK1   Disordered interaction between red cell cytoskeleton and membrane
                                             SPTB        causing osmotic fragility of red cells and haemolysis
                  Huntington disease  4p     Huntingtin  Trinucleotide repeat (CAG) within the gene causing adult onset chorea
                                                         and dementia.
                  Marfan syndrome     15q    Fibrillin 1  Disordered microfibrils in connective tissue
                  Myotonic dystrophy I  19q  DMPK      Cataracts, frontal balding, myotonia and proximal muscle weakness.
                  Myotonic dystrophy II  3q  ZNF9
                  Neurofibromatosis I  17q    NF1       Loss of a tumour suppressor gene results in caf´eau lait spots
                                                         and multiple neural tumours
                  Peutz–Jeghers syndrome  19p  STK11   Tumour supressor gene causing mucocutaneous pigmentation,
                                                         multiple hamartomas
                  Tuberose sclerosis  9q     TSC1      Hamartin–agrowth inhibitory protein
                                      16p    TSC2      Tuberin–a tumour suppressor gene

                                                                                            Unaffected Male
                                                                                            Affected Male
                                                                                            Hetrozygote Male
                                                                                            Unaffected Female
                                                                                            Affected Female
                                                                                            Hetrozygote Female

                  Figure 14.2 Autosomal recessive
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