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                   88 Chapter 2: Cardiovascular system

                                                                the legs and increases systemic vascular resistance. This
                                                                reduces the right to left intracardiac shunt and provides
                                                                some symptomatic relief. On examination cyanosis and
                                                                clubbing may be present. There is a right ventricular
                                                                heave. On auscultation there is initially a long systolic
                                                                murmur across the pulmonary valve, which shortens as
                                                                cyanosis develops.
                                                                  Spasm of the infundibular muscle in the right ven-
                                                                tricular outflow tract results in further compromises the
                                                                right cardiac outflow causing worsening cyanosis and
                                                                often loss of consciousness. These are termed hyper-
                                                                cyanotic or tet spells.

                   Figure 2.20 Tetralogy of Fallot.
                     Right ventricular outflow obstruction (pulmonary

                                                                monary trunk. There is normally pulmonary oligaemia
                                                                due to low pulmonary blood flow. ECG shows right axis
                     Right ventricular hypertrophy.

                                                                deviation and right ventricular hypertrophy. Echocar-
                                                                diogram is diagnostic.
                   Embryological hypoplasia of the conus, which gives rise
                   tothemembranousventricularseptum.OccursinDown  Management
                   syndrome and as part of fetal alcohol syndrome.     Symptomatic infants may require a Blalock–Taussig
                   Pathophysiology                                artery to the pulmonary artery. This provides a left to
                   The pulmonary stenosis results in high right ventricular  rightshunt replacing the duct as it closes.
                   pressure and hence right ventricular hypertrophy. The     Surgical correction is performed at 4–6 months under
                   large VSD and high right heart pressures cause a right  cardiopulmonary bypass. It is performed by opening
                   to left shunt. The aorta is over the shunt as the VSD is  the pulmonary stenosis (by patch enlargement where
                   high and thus there is also flow from the right ventricle  indicated) and closure of the VSD.
                   directly into the aorta. The degree of pulmonary stenosis
                   picture ranges in severity. The right ventricular outflow  Cardiovascular oncology
                   tract obstruction is often progressive.

                   Clinical features                            Atrial myxoma
                   In rare severe cases cyanosis develops within days as the
                   pulmonary circulation is dependent on a patent ductus
                                                                An atrial myxoma is a benign primary tumour of the
                   arteriosus. More commonly presentation is later with
                                                                heart most commonly arising in the left atrium.
                   progressive cyanosis over a few weeks. Initially it may
                   only be present on exertion, but as the right ventricu-
                   lar outflow obstruction is progressive cyanosis becomes  Incidence
                   evident at rest, and the characteristic squatting position  Primarytumoursoftheheartarerare,butatrialmyxoma
                   may be adopted. Squatting traps unsaturated blood in  is the most common.
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