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                                                                          Chapter 3: Respiratory procedures 95

                                                   FVC                                After bronchodilators (normal)
                                                   FEV 1                              Before bronchodilators

                                                   FEV 1

                                                          1   2   3   4  5    6
                  Figure 3.1 Spirometry in reversible             Seconds
                  obstructive airways disease.

                  out as hard and fast as they can into a peak flow meter,  both values preserving the FEV 1 /FVC ratio whereas
                  with a good seal around the tube with their lips. The  in obstructive airways disease, although both may be
                  best of three tries is recorded. This is compared with a  reduced, the FEV 1 falls proportionately more and the
                  predicted value for age, sex and height, although there is  FEV 1 /FVC ratio is reduced.
                  considerable individual variation.            Other useful testing which can be done by the bedside
                    It is most useful in monitoring disease patterns, e.g.  includes pulse oximetry to measure oxygen saturations,
                  the day-to-day and diurnal variation in asthma, and for  exercise testing (timed 6 minute walk with PEF, pulse
                  rapid objective assessment and response to treatment.  oximetry and even arterial blood gases pre- and post-
                  Howeveritis limited in that it only measures the peak  exertion).
                  expiratory flow, is effort dependent, and can be relatively
                  preserved despite the presence of severe lung disease.  Laboratory testing
                    Spirometry: This is now possible with bedside elec-  More comprehensive tests can be performed in the pul-
                  tronic spirometers, which are more portable and con-  monary function laboratory, but the equipment requires
                  venient than the older Vitalograph models. The patient  aspecialisttechnician,isexpensive,time-consumingand
                  takes a deep breath to full inspiration, then blows as hard  patients with severe chronic airflow limitation find some
                  as they can and must continue to blow into the spirom-  of the tests difficult to perform, claustrophobic or ex-
                  eter until the lungs can be emptied no further (≥6sec-  hausting.
                  onds in normal people but may require 15–20 seconds  These include the assessment of the following:
                  in obstructive airways disease). In reversible obstructive  1 Flow–volume loops: These can localise the site of
                  airways disease this gives the graph shown in Fig. 3.1.  airflow limitation to extra-thoracic, large airways or
                    On this (or calculated by the machine) can be plotted  smaller airways.
                  the forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV 1 ) and the  2 Lung volumes: Tidal volume and vital capacity can be
                  forced vital capacity (FVC). Normal values are related to  measured. A total body plethysmograph can be used
                  age, sex and height.                           to measure total lung capacity (TLC) and residual vol-
                  1 The FEV 1 falls particularly with airflow limitation, i.e.  ume (RV) (see Fig. 3.2). It is characteristic in em-
                    obstructive airways disease and with reduced lung vol-  physema for the TLC and RV to be increased due to
                    umes in restrictive disease.                 air trapping, although the FVC is decreased. In re-
                  2 The FVC falls with reduced lung volumes, i.e. restric-  strictive lung disease, the FVC and TLC are decreased
                    tive lung disease and more severe obstructive airways  together.
                    disease.                                    3 Transfer factor: This measures the diffusing capacity
                  3 The FEV 1 /FVC ratio is normally ∼75%. In restric-  of the lungs across the alveolar-capillary membrane by
                    tive lung disease there is a proportionate reduction in  indirectly measuring the uptake of carbon monoxide
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