Page 15 - The_Astrological_e_Magazine
P. 15
Important Vastu Tips for
The Newly Married
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Question which allows the breath of life (prana vayu) into the
I am from Bangalore but live outside India with my house falls in the third module from east on the north.
husband & his mother. I am recently married. Can you give This therefore falls into the permitted seventh module
your Vastu appropriate guidelines for the architect plan? from the west. However, if you can also have a dwara
on the east, it is indeed powerful life breath flowing
Answer into the habitation.
The floor plan indicates that the site is angularly Home Temple
oriented from the north by 27.5 degrees. With proper
orientation of the paramasayika mandala (81 module Placement of the temple room is in order. The
plan), it is noticed that the entry zone falls on the north platform can have three steps as indicated. Dining
in the third module (from east) of the mandala. area is identified properly by your architect. You can
have a big painting of morning Sun on the east wall
&RPSDWLEOH 'LUHFWLRQV here between the suggested door and the proposed
The astrologically compatible directions for you are window.
north and west while for your husband, they are south
and east, The compatible colors for you are blue, 7KH )XUQDFH
green and red while for your husband red, white and The furnace can be relocated to the marked place. The
rainbow colors are compatible. The dimensions – store and central heating unit are in order. Room two
length, breadth and height - of the building given by (in the northwest) can be used by you until the birth
your architect as desired by you have to be slightly of the first child. Lot of blue in various shades and
modified using the building formulae called Ayadi hues can be used by way of wall colors, flooring, bed
Shadvarga. linen, curtains, seat cushions, paintings (of water and
sky), etc. Later on it can be the room for the daughter.
The house can be on either end of the site allowing at
The ground room in the northeast is ideal for your
least 1/9th of space from the end. However since the
primary element for you is Vayu and lord of the sector
is Moon who signifies mind and mother, you can have The master room (southwest) now indicated can
your home oriented to the north. be your study room while after the birth of a
child can become the master bedroom and color
$GGLWLRQDO ([WHUQDO 'RRUV schemes incorporated as indicated earlier. Room
You can have two additional doors as these two three (in the south) can be your husband’s study
directions are compatible to you and your husband. now and later if you have a son, this room can be his.
This amounts to your home having three external Toilet seats can be oriented to the north. The center
doors and goes by the name of Vardhamana which is of the structure can be free of pillars, columns, dirt
very much approved by the Vastu texts. The main door and water.