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scholars of different beliefs or understanding of the children but more importantly in the
of Vedas. total welfare of the society. Sri Shankara just
before he left Kalady made a promise to his
1) Once while travelling, Sri Shankara came
mother that when the time comes he would
across a person belonging to a “different
respect her desire that he should perform her
caste”. A disciple asked the person to move
funeral. . Once, Sri Shankara heard about his
away so that Sri Shankara had a clear path to
mother’s illness, he was at her bedside. On his
walk. The person asked Sri Shankara whether
mother’s death, he requested the villagers to
he was asking the body or the soul to move.
help him with her cremation. However, the
It immediately opened Sri Shankara’s eyes
centuries of established traditions required
and he recognized the person as a Guru and
a person to stop performing all karmas or
touched his feet. The person had reaffirmed
religious rituals upon embracing sanyasam.
to the world that there is only one caste and
Many of the “traditional” and “orthodox”
it is the “human caste”. Then Sri Shankara
villagers ignored Sri Shankara’s request for
composed “Maneeshaa Panchakam” a set of
help. He had no choice but to do the final
five slokas (verses). It contains the essence
rites with minimum support from the vil-
of Advaita Vedanta. The word “maneeshaa”,
lagers. Sri Shankar clearly demonstrated
meaning “conviction” occurs in the last line
that traditions that are not based on human
in all the five verses.
dignity, values and respect to the elders and
2) Sri Shankara during his travels met Mandan parents have no place in the civilized world,
Mishra, a reputed scholar who was a then and now. Sri Shankara reiterates that
well-known exponent of Purva Mimamsa the “soul is potentially divine” for all. Tradi-
(ritual part of Vedas). When they first met, tions are dynamic and the society needs to
Mandan Mishra treated Sri Shankara with get rid of “static, superstitious or obsolete”
a bit of arrogance. The two great scholars traditions, even if they had existed or been
of Advaita and Purva Mimasa held a imposed for a long time.
marathon discussion for over 18 days. Mata
(mother) Bharathi, wife of Mandan Mishra 9HGLF 5LWXDOV )XO¿OO 'HVLUHV DQG
was the mutually agreed referee. At the 9HGDQWD /LEHUDWHV $WPD
end of the marathon discussion, Mandan The Vedas are eternal. Upanishad forms
Mishra acknowledged spiritual-victory of Sri the end part of Vedas and it is also called
Shankara and renounced gruhasthashram as Vedanta. The word ‘anta’ in Sanskrit
(house-holdership) and became a sanyasi in means ‘end’. Karma may refer to “actions”
front of Mata Bharathi. She unhesitatingly or “religious rites/rituals”. However, Karma
agreed for her husband to become a Sanyasi Kanda in Vedas relates to religious rites.
while she was still living. This showed the It is said that more than ninety percent of Vedas
extraordinary sacrifice the blessed mother deals with aspects of innumerable rituals. Rituals
made to uphold Advaita, in spite of great are done by a person to appease and please gods
personal sacrifice. Mandan Mishra became to win their favors or blessings.
the well-known Sri Sureshwaracharya, a
Sri Shankara’s Advaita is considered as one
great disciple of Sri Shankara and the first
of the grandest ever philosophy conceived
Pontiff or spiritual-head of Sringeri Mutt.
by a person. Sri Shankara propounded the
3) Maharishis (sages) from time immemorial non-duality spiritual-philosophy. It is more
have without any exceptions have acknow- commonly or universally known as Advaita
ledged the immensely important and vital Vedanta. Non-duality, means ”not two”,
role mothers have not only in the upbringing “undivided one” or “one”. A principal part of