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Adi Shankaracharya
Advaita and Astrology
Sri Shankara’s Advaita is considered as one of the grandest ever philosophy conceived by a person.
In Sri Shankara’s chart, certain planet patterns clearly indicate a spiritual grandmaster. Read on.
ri Shankara was born in Kerala. His father was Shivaguru and
Smother was Aryamba Many consider or believe that the actual
date of birth of Sri Shankara is uncertain. A common birth date
has not been agreed upon by various researchers, historians and
Some of the birth dates indicated are 509 BC, 44 BC, 788 AD, etc.
However, according to Professor B. Suryanarain Rao, an eminent
historian and author of renowned historical treatise A History
Dr. Bangalore Sureshwara has been actively of Vijayanagar, the Never to Be Forgotten Empire (1905), The
involved in the study of the application of Royal Horoscopes and many other books, Sri Shankara was born
Ramayana, Mahabharatha, Sri Bhagavad
Gita & Vedic Astrology in modern life. His on the fifth day of the bright half of the lunar month of Vaisakha
lectures, seminars, workshops and writings on of the cyclic year Eswara in Vikrama 14. This corresponds to 25 th
Ramayana, Mahabharatha, Sri Bhagavad March 44 B.C. My father, Dr. B. V. Raman, the internationally
Gita, Hindu Theology, Vedic Astrology, recognized notable Vedic Astrology scholar of the twentieth
“Ramayana and Management” have century concurs with the date of 44 B.C. Scholars agree that Sri
been well-received in India and USA. Dr.
Sureshwara has taught “Ramayana and Shankara lived only for 32 years. It appears that God (Brahma)
Management”, “Ramayana, Sri Bhagavad recalls those whom he loves dearly.
Gita and Management” and related courses Sri Shankara lost his father when he was three years old. He
to MBA classes.
completed his Sanskrit and Vedic studies early in life. The young
Dr. Sureshwara studied Vedic Astrology under Sri Shankara with the consent of his mother becomes a Sanyasin
his illustrious father Dr. B.V. Raman. He was
the principal speaker on Vedic Astrology at in his eighth year. Then, with his mother’s permission, he went
the Second Parliament of the World’s Religions searching for a Guru and found Sri Govindapada on the banks
held in August-September 1993. He has been of Narmada River. His studies were completed by the age of 16.
a distinguished contributor to The Astrological Sri Govindapada sent his gifted student to Kasi (Varanasi) so
Magazine founded in 1895 by Professor B. that he could present and explain Vedanta systematically and in
Suryanarain Rao. Dr. B. V. Raman was its
Chief Editor from 1936 to 1998. detail to the people. Scholars and students quickly recognized
Sri Shankara’s immense knowledge and learning. During his
Dr. B. Sureshwara has a Bachelor of
Engineering from Mysore University (India) stay in Kasi, he wrote commentaries on Sri Bhagavad Gita,
and a Doctorate in Engineering from the Upanishads and Brahmasutras.
University of Notre Dame (USA). He has
taught Engineering at various Universities in 1RWDEOH (YHQWV LQ 6UL 6KDQNDUD¶V /LIH
USA. His extensive industry experiences in Sri Shankara spent a major part of his life travelling across
USA include Civil, Structural, Mechanical and
Aerospace Engineering. the breadth and width of India and teaching Vedanta. During
his extensive travel he had discussions with many learned