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Yet during a total lunar eclipse when the Moon enters of religious austerities, research, chemistry, poison,
the Earth‘s shadow, the Moon takes on a deep red hue. pharmaceutical industry, surgeons, secret service
Hence, some have renamed this lunar eclipse as Blood and kundalini yoga. The Brihat Jataka adds that
Moon. other qualities of Aslesha are “dissimulator, clever in
selfishness, sinful, ungrateful, cheat.”
The Total Lunar Eclipse on Jan. 31, 2018 will span from
15 degrees of sidereal Cancer to 19 degrees of Cancer. It is advisable to avoid all financial transactions or
major investments during this eclipse—and if possible,
three days prior and two days after. For those with
The inhabitants of North America and particularly the their natal Moon in Cancer, as well as Cancer
East Coast will be able to see this January eclipse and ascendants this eclipse will influence their health
the Moon entering into the Earth‘s penumbra at the and their mood more than other individuals. Avoid
start of the eclipse, at 5:51 a.m. EST. At that time, the catching cold, cover the chest to stay warm, eat a light
sky will still be in predawn darkness —as the sunrise and healthy diet at this time. It’s very important for
will occur at 7:12 am EST. Cancer ascendants to avoid eating during the eclipse
hours and at least three hours before its beginning.
Additionally, people in India in nearly all its 29 states
In fact, the digestive power is greatly reduced during
will be able to observe the eclipse in the evening of
eclipse hours—between 5:51 am EST (4:21 pm IST)
January 31, as the Moon will be already high in the sky.
to 11:08 am EST (9:38 pm IST).
Also, this first lunar eclipse of 2018 will be visible to all
in North and Eastern Asia, Eastern Europe, Eastern You can eat right at the end of the eclipse. Traditional Vedic
Africa, everywhere in South America and Australia, astrology also advises taking a bath right at the end of an
Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic and Antarctica. eclipse to remove negative energy. Because the Moon will
be eclipsed in Aslesha—a nakshatra or constellation that
In Vedic astrology, total lunar eclipses are not
According to Ayurveda, issues of Kapha or the water
considered as harmful as total solar eclipses. But
element could cause ear infections. So it’s important
there’s a general consensus that one should absolutely
for all those whose birth star is in Aslesha, and both
avoid the exposure of all eclipses’ radiations. So, it’s
Cancer Moon and Cancer ascendants to protect
recommended to stay indoor throughout the eclipse
the ears—perhaps through Ayurvedic remedies or
hours and avoid the exposure of the eyes to its light by
allopathic guidelines and from cold weather. For
closing both windows and curtains.
Capricorn Moon and ascendant, the eclipse will occur
The results for both individuals and countries will in the 7 house of relationships. Sweet speech and
vary depending on the astrological birth signs and the a friendly and compromising approach will ensure
ascendants of the countries’ charts. The Moon will cordial relationships.
be completely obscured by the Earth’s shadow in the
This total lunar eclipse will occur in the natural fourth
sign of Cancer in the constellation Aslesha ruled by
house of sidereal Cancer, a cardinal sign. The natal
Moon in the birth chart of India is also in Cancer
$VOHVKD &RQVWHOODWLRQ or Karkataka. Still in Cancer, India’s chart shows a
whopping five planets: Moon (in Pushya), Mercury (in
The lunar eclipse will happen during the Vedic month
Pushya), Saturn (in Aslesha), Venus (in Aslesha), and
of Magha. Aslesha (or Epsilon, Delta, Mu, Rho, Sigma
the Sun (in Aslesha). Of course, eclipses don’t happen
and Zeta-Hydraetapas) is connected with wisdom
in a vacuum and to determine their results, we need
from the ancient Naga serpents, as well as austerities,
to analyze the position of the other planets during the
protection of Kshatriyas (or warriors), alms to holy
time of the eclipse.
people, deeply emotional suffering, the fire of tapas