Page 4 - The_Astrological_e_Magazine
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                                                      keÀes  JeÊeÀe  leejlec³em³e  leceskeÀb  JesOemeb  efJevee ~~

                                                       Those who know Astrology can only indicate
         Chief Editor and Publisher
         Bangalore Niranjan Babu                          in a way what will take place in future.
                                                          Who else, except the Creator Brahma,
         Senior Editor
         Raman Suprajarama                          can say with certainty what will definitely happen ?
         The Astrological eMagazine appears the
         previous month of publication. All rights   2018               FEBRUARY ISSUE
         reserved. No part of the magazine may be
         reproduced in any form or by any means   C o n t e n t s
         without the prior written permission of
         the publishers.
                                              LALITHA DEVI
         Articles submitted for publication in The
         Astrological eMagazine must be certified   A Primer on the Super Blue Moon Lunar Eclipse
         in writing by the author that they have   and Astrological Implications                            3
         not been published earlier in any form
         whatsoever. Unsolicited manuscripts will
         not be returned. Views expressed in the   Words of Wisdom
         articles are not necessarily those of the   Sri Sri Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji           8
         Editor. The Editor reserves the right
         to reject, revise or rewrite any article/
         material without assigning any reason   Adi Shankaracharya, Advaita and Astrology                  9
         whatsoever and no correspondence will
         be entertained in this regard.
                                              BANGALORE NIRANJAN BABU
         All published articles will become
         automatically copyrighted to The     Important Vastu Tips for The Newly Married                   13
         Astrological eMagazine unless otherwise
                                              DR.NEMANI VENKATA RAGHUNATHA RAO
         The publisher assumes no responsibility
         for products or services advertised by   Determine Wife’s Moon Sign from the Husband’s Horoscope
         other than The Astrological eMagazine.   using this Simple Technique                              15
         No free insertion of any advertisement
         alleging typographical or other mistakes
         will be given.                       2018 Yearly Forecast                                         20
         Bangalore Niranjan Babu
         201 D, Sarathy Apartments,           V. R. SOUNDAR RAJAN
         48, 13  Cross, 8  Main, Malleswaram,   An Astrological Outlook of 2018                            24
         Bangalore-560 003
         Tel : +91-80-2336 6864
                                              The Astrological eMagazine Panchanga for February 2018       29

                                              Ephemeris for February 2018                                  32

                                              This Month (February 2018) for You                           33

         2 FEBRUARY 2018                                                               THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE
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