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Additionally, a total lunar eclipse in Cancer, the sign dignitaries and government officials, infrastructure
owned by the Moon, will magnify both the positive and and communication technology. These are the
negative results of this eclipse. While the Moon is a areas that will need care and extra attention during
malefic in this birth chart and is conjoined with malefic three days prior to the eclipse and two days after its
Venus, the remaining conjunctions are with all benefic occurrence—January 26th to February 2nd , 2018.
planets (Saturn, Sun, and Mercury). The 4th house and The Sun, a benefic planet for India, will be in the 10th
Cancer are associated with the chest, stomach, breasts, house of parliament and foreign trade. There will be
water, mother, emotions, agriculture, home, vehicles, some changes in these areas.
education, caring, nurturing. So for everyone, all these
In the chart of the United States, the eclipse will
themes will require more attention and care.
happen in the 9th house of foreign travel and
In India’s chart the lunar eclipse will happen philosophical and religious teachings. The Moon and
in the 3rd house—which according to mundane Rahu will join natal Mercury and natal Rahu. Rahu is
astrology is connected with communication from also a planet of foreigners, as well as sudden change