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         Brihat Samhita Adh. V Sloka 1                        Brihat Samhita Adh. V Sloka 60-61

         A demon’s head though cut off for having devoured    When Mercury aspects the eclipsed Sun or Moon,
         nectar (see the story of Lord Vishnu beheading Rahu),   ghee, honey and oil will become dear (or expensive) and
         is still not deprived of life. This is the result of the   rare and kings will suffer …. If Venus aspects, there will
         potency of the nectar (of immortality) and that head   be destruction of crops and there will also arise various
         became a planet. So declare some sages.              miseries and troubles in the land.

         Brihat Samhita Adh. V Sloka 8                        [Note: both Mercury and Venus will aspect this total
                                                              lunar eclipse]
         In her own eclipse, the Moon enters the shadow of the
         Earth, and in that of the Sun, the solar disc. Therefore,   Brihat Samhita Adh. V Sloka 72
         it is that the lunar eclipse does not commence at the
                                                              If the eclipse happens in the month of Magha, Rahu
         western limb, nor the solar at the eastern limb.
                                                              gives trouble to those that rever their parents,Brahmins
         If the Moon in her course towards the East and placed   in the Vasishta Gotra, men who are fully engaged in
         in the 7th house from the Sun does not swerve much   their sacred study and in the performance of their
         either to the north or the south, she enters the shadow   religious duties, elephants and horses, the people of
         of the earth.                                        Vanga, Anga and Kasi. There will be plenty of rain to
                                                              the satisfaction of the agriculturists.
         Brihat Samhita Adh. V Sloka 13
                                                              [This lunar eclipse happens in the month of Magha]
         Explains that, of course Rahu is not the actual cause
         of all the eclipses. Yet the eclipse’s negative effects on   5HPHGLHV
         our consciousness are due to the temporary obscurity
                                                              Varaha Mihira’s remedies for the lunar eclipse are:
         on the mind and the collective consciousness. The
         ancient yogis believe that not everything happens     Ɣ Donate an iron pot full of ghee
         on the material plane. This is why the sayings are so   Ɣ Give Dakshina (or money donation to priests)
         important and are an “eternal reality,” in the words of   Ɣ Donate a silver pendant of the Moon
         Siddha Master Dr. Baskaran Pillai.
                                                               Ɣ Donate a gold serpent.
         Brihat Samhita Adh. V Sloka 14-15                    2WKHU 5HPHGLHV
         The following consequences and boon were conferred
                                                               Ɣ Observe a fast
         by Brahman to Rahu, the Demon: “You shall have to
                                                               Ɣ Sprinkle tulsi water on clothes and food
         live and rest satisfied with whatever gifts and oblations
         that may have been given at the time of an eclipse.”   Ɣ Take a bath when the eclipse begins; perform
         During that time, Rahu’s presence is recognized.        tarpanam to the ancestors.
                                                               Ɣ After the eclipse is over, take another bath with
         Brihat Samhita Adh. V Sloka 38                          the intention of removing negativity.
         When the Sun or the Moon is eclipsed in the sign      Ɣ Do not engage in conjugal bliss during an eclipse.
         Karkataka [or Cancer], the following people will      Ɣ Do not to look at the lunar eclipse.
         suffer: The Abheera, the Sabaras, the Pallavas, the
                                                              Traditional Brahmins also advise to avoid oil massage,
         Mallas (wrestlers), the Matsyas, the Kurus, the Sakas,
                                                              drinking water, combing or styling one’s hair, and
         the Panchalas and all those who are infirm. There will
                                                              brushing teeth during the eclipse
         also be destruction of grain [crops].
         Brihat Samhita Adh. V Sloka 44                       Bibliography:
         When Rahu is on the southern side of the Sun or the   1. Brihat Samhita, translated by Pandita Bhushan V.
         Moon during an eclipse, floods will occur and there     Subrahmanya Shastri,  and Vidwan M. Ramkrishna
         will be happiness and freedom of fear.                  Bhat
         [Note: Rahu will be in the southern side on Jan. 31,   2. Brihat Jataka, translated by Prof. B. Suryanarain
         2018’s total lunar eclipse]                             Rao

         THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE                                                                FEBRUARY 2018 7
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