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Advaita is the spirit (Atma) of the individual that Vedas have given rituals for a spiritually
is identical with Supreme Spirit (Paramatma). young mind and eventually the individual
Upanishad also indicates “I am Brahman”, “He will outgrow rituals. Sri Shankara emphasizes
who knows Brahman becomes Brahman” and “Nivritti Marga” (inward or non-desire) for
thereby it concurs with Advaita. spiritual fulfillment. He calls for never ending
effort towards Atman or God. He disagrees with
Hindu Scriptures or Sastras refer to God as
“Pravritti Marga” (outward or desire) or rituals
Nirguna Brahman (God without attributes) or
and similar things.
Saguna Brahman (God with attributes). Nirguna
Brahman is known or referred to as “Absolute”,
“Eternal Spirit” or simplyas “Brahman”. The 2YHUYLHZ RI WKH +RURVFRSH RI
Absolute, when viewed through the limited 6SLULWXDO 6WDWHVPDQ
human eyes and mind is Isvara (Eswara), the god Notable Horoscopes contains detailed study or
that one worships all the time.“God” is one and review of the horoscopes of seventy-six notable
is absolute whereas human worshipping “gods” persons of various backgrounds. Some of the
are many. horoscopes include those of Lord Krishna, Sri
Adi Shankaracharya, Sri Thyagaraja Swami,
Sage Acharya Jaimini is considered to be the Emperor Shivaji, Emperor Akbar, President
father of deciphering the texts contained in
Abraham Lincoln, Sri Mahatma Gandhi and Sri
Vedas. His book is “Purva Mimamsa” or simply
Swami Vivekananda. As indicated in the book,
“Mimamsa”. Mimamsa is a Sanskrit term that
based on extensive study, Sri Shankara was born
means investigation, inquiry or discussion.
at Kalady (Kerala) on 25 March 44 B.C. at
Purva Mimamsa is sometimes called Dharma about noon. The horoscope of Sri Shankara is in
Mimamsa as it is an investigation into the
the book and is shown in Table-1. A brief review
dharma established by the Vedas. Another
of the horoscope of the great philosopher and
name is Karma Mimamsa because it is primarily
an outstanding spiritual scholar is given below.
concerned with sacrifice or rites. It is based on
the notion that the Vedic texts are primarily Great sages and seers have clearly indicated that
focused into karma-kanda, the part of sacrificial Vedic Astrology is not a deterministic subject
rites, rituals and sacrifices. Uttara Mimamsa is but indicates the possible events in life. In other
the later (Uttara) part of the Vedas and cover words, the horoscope is a map that has the keys to
Upanishads/Vedanta. Vedanta deals with the project the potential of an individual in the form
knowledge of Supreme Being (Brahman), of events and happenings in life. The locations
the Universal Soul. The great text-book of and the geometrical positions of planets in an
the Vedanta is the Sariraka Mimamsa Sutra, individual’s chart represent or reflect the relative
or Brahma Sutra, which is attributed to Sage strengths and challenges. Destiny is the synthesis
Badarayana Vyasa. The two schools of Mimamsa of horoscopic indications and appropriate
taken together represent Vedic Hinduism. human effort (free will). In Sri Shankara’s chart,
Sun, the 10th Lord is exalted in Aries. Jupiter is
Sri Shankara considered that rituals or karmas
generally considered as an encouraging planet
gives fruits in the form of desires, enjoyment,
when it has favorablerelationship with Lagna
and pleasures fulfilled... This aspect of karma and/or its Lord. Lagna Lord Moon is aspected by
is known as “Pravritti “Karma. Rituals are
a) Jupiter, Lord of 6 and 9 , b) Saturn, Lord of 7
inadequate for a person’s Spiritual progress.
and 8 and c) Yoga karaka Mars (lord of 5 and 10).
Sri Shankara indicated that rituals are necessary
tools when one is in early stages of spiritualism. However, specifically, the contributions of Jupiter
Young children need toys and loving parents 9th, Saturn 7 and Mars 5 and 10 aspects,
provides them. Just as children outgrow toys, respectively, are significant in strengthening
anyone who wants spiritual progress recognizes lagna lord Moon.