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Horoscope of Sri Adi Shankaracharya
Sun, Mercury and Venus occupy 10th house. $GYDLWD 7KH &DWDO\VW IRU
Tenth house represents occupation, career, 6SLULWXDO 8QLW\
honors, dignity and means of livelihood.
Sri Shankara spiritually united India by
Exalted Sun in the 10th house indicates royalty.
establishing major monasteries /Sri Shankara
Sri Shankara was not a king, as defined or
Mutts at four corners of India. They are located
known in every day terminology. But he was
at Badrinath (Himalayas), Puri (East), Sringeri
well-respected and was treated in a befitting
(South) and Dwaraka (West). A large number
royal manner that was significantly greater than
of Mutts are functioning and thriving today with
what was normally extended to even kings and
the Blessings of the eternal spirit (Brahman)
emperors. Jupiter’s influence signifies “guru” or
and Sri Shankara. The spiritual movement for
master spiritual teacher of the highest standing
the propagation of Vedanta started over two
and simplest living. Sri Shankara was known
thousand years ago by Sri Shankara continues
for his kindness, sweet-language, wisdom, high
century after century with ever increasing
intellectual abilities and the spiritual strength to
spiritual energy and enthusiasm provided by the
treat even those whom he defeated in debates
successive pontiffs (spiritual-heads) of the Mutts
with love, decency and dignity. These attributes
and generations of ever increasing devotees of
of Sri Shankara are indicated by the powerful
Sri Shankara .
10th house and the synthesis of Sun, Mercury
and Venus in the tenth house. The tenth house Sri Shankara based on his extensive studies
can be considered to be the powerful engine of Vedas (the eternal knowledge) and life
that provided extensive energy to the entire experiences came to the conclusion that the
horoscope to indicate that the chart is of a ultimate goal of a human is to obtain moksha
“spiritual-king” who ruled the world with no or spiritual bliss. The Atman which is “inside”
military arms but with spiritual-energy of the is the source of spiritual bliss. Karma draws the
highest order. One will find detailed analyses/ mind outwards and Jnana (knowledge/Bliss)
information of not only Sri Shankara’s horoscope inwards. OM is considered as a spiritually
in Notable Horoscopes but also seventy five blessed repetitive recitation of mantra during
more horoscopes belonging to notable-people the meditation. Nama Japa is the repetition of
from various countries of the world. Students the name of God, while sitting near God (idol/
and scholars of Vedic Astrology will find great murthi) with devotion and concentration and is
scholar’s Notable Horoscopes to be an out- popular with many saints of Hinduism around
standing text and an invaluable reference book. the world. God Bless all.