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         and unconventional solutions. The Moon is a benefic   resources. This could, however, turn out to be a good
         planet for the USA’s chart and has directional strength   change for the U.S. according to the other planetary
         in the 4th house.                                    alignments. There will be, however, some highly
                                                              dramatic communication from officials and dignitaries,
         Rahu is, however, a malefic—indicating some changes   as seen from the Sun being placed in the 3rd house.
         in foreign policy or the temporary closing of a foreign   In mundane astrology, the 9th house also indicates
         source of wealth for the U.S. to protect national    diplomacy and diplomats.

         (FOLSVH 5HVXOWV $FFRUGLQJ WR 9DUDKD                  both individuals and countries. According to him, eclipses
                                                              of Sun or Moon cause problems to crops and royalty.
         0LKLUD¶V ³%ULKDW 6DPKLWD´
         The classics of Vedic astrology generally agree that   Brihat Samhita Adh. IV Sloka 28
         eclipses are inauspicious and the Brihat Samhita is no   When the Moon is eclipsed by Rahu and is cut
         exception. However, Varaha Mihira also lists different   by a meteor (Ulka), the king who owns (Moon or
         cases in which an eclipse can have favorable results for   Ascendant) the star as his natal will die.

         6 FEBRUARY 2018                                                               THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE
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