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                                                                   6XQGD\  0RQGD\ DQG 7XHVGD\ HYHQLQJV   TRSQ@KH@M 2TQUHUNQ
                                                                   faces the challenge of quenching the thirst of fans of the
                                                                   original series, such as myself, without alienating a wider
                                                                   viewership who may be unfamiliar with the strategic complexi
                                                                   WLHV RI WKH IRUPDW  7KLV  , DUJXH  LV WKH NH\ GLIĺFXOW\ LQ DGDSWLQJ
                                                                   an international title for a local media ecology. To explore the
                                                                   FKDOOHQJHV LQKHUHQW LQ IRUPDW IUDQFKLVLQJ  WKLV HVVD\ ZLOO ĺUVW
                                                                   RXWOLQH KRZ WKH 86 YHUVLRQ RI 2TQUHUNQ GHPRQVWUDWHV QDU
                                                                   UDWLYH FRPSOH[LW\  6HFRQG  LW ZLOO ORRN DW KRZ WKH $XVWUDOLDQ
                                                                   SURGXFWLRQpV      VHDVRQ ZDV D GLIĺFXOW PDUULDJH EHWZHHQ
                                                                   textual elements of the original franchise and the demands
                                                                   RI $XVWUDOLDpV PHGLD HFRORJ\  7KLV GLIĺFXOW\ LQ UHFRQFLOLDWLRQ
                                                                   resulted in  TRSQ@KH@M 2TQUHUNQ having to cater for ANSG the
                                                                   fans of the American series and casual viewers newer to the
                                                                   franchise. Ultimately, I argue that narrative complexity is lost
                                                                   when a show has to alter its format for new fans.

                                                                   The Survivor format
                                                                   2TQUHUNQ ĺUVW SUHPLHUHG LQ WKH 86 LQ       DQG KDV UHFHQWO\
                                                                   ZUDSSHG XS LWV WKLUW\ ĺIWK VHDVRQ  $Q DGDSWDWLRQ RI WKH
                                                                   6ZHGLVK VHULHV $WODCHSHNM 1NAHMRNM, it was created by Charlie
                                                                   Parsons, an executive producer on the show alongside Mark
                                                                   %XUQHWW DQG KRVW -HII 3UREVW  (DFK VHDVRQ  D JURXS RI VL[WHHQ
                                                                   WR WZHQW\ FRQWHVWDQWV LV VWUDQGHG LQ DQ LVRODWHG ORFDWLRQ  WKH\
                                                                   are divided into two or more teams, referred to as ‘tribes’,
                                                                   which compete for resources and immunity. The tribe that
                                                                   loses immunity must vote off a member at a ‘tribal council’
                                                                   XVLQJ D VHFUHW EDOORW  :KHQ DSSUR[LPDWHO\ WHQ WR WZHOYH FRQ
                                                                   testants remain, the tribes are dissolved and contestants
                                                                   FRPSHWH LQGLYLGXDOO\  7KH ĺQDO WKUHH FRQWHVWDQWV PXVW IDFH
                                                                   D MXU\ RI SUHYLRXVO\ HOLPLQDWHG SHHUV  ZKR GHWHUPLQH WKH o6ROH
                                                                   6XUYLYRUp  7KH ZLQQLQJ FRQWHVWDQW UHFHLYHV 86   PLOOLRQ  WKH
                                                                   UXQQHU XS  86          WKH WKLUG SODFHU  86         DQG VR
                                                                   on, with the prize money declining the earlier the contestants
                                                                   DUH YRWHG RXW  (DFK FRQWHVWDQW DOVR UHFHLYHV 86        IRU
                                                                   DSSHDULQJ RQ WKH ĺQDO UHXQLRQ HSLVRGH
                                                                     $VLGH IURP $XVWUDOLD  WKH VKRZ KDV KDG IRUW\ HLJKW RWKHU
                                                                   international versions, with varying degrees of success. Yet
                                                                   the mass popularity of the 2TQUHUNQ franchise has slowly waned.
                                                                   7KH ĺUVW WHQ VHDVRQV RI WKH $PHULFDQ VHULHV DYHUDJHG RYHU
                                                                      PLOOLRQ YLHZHUV  EXW UDWLQJV KDYH EHHQ VWHDGLO\ IDOOLQJ
                                                                   IURP WKH WZHQW\ VHFRQG VHDVRQ RQZDUGV  WKH VKRZ KDV
                                                                   RQO\ JDUQHUHG DQ DXGLHQFH RI EHWZHHQ    DQG    PLOOLRQ  ,Q
                                                                   Australia, however, the American 2TQUHUNQ has been moved
                                                                   WR WKH FKDQQHO  *R  IROORZLQJ WKH PRGHUDWHO\ VXFFHVVIXO
                                                                   UDWLQJV RI     pV 2TQUHUNQ  "@Q@LN@M. The 2016 season of
                                                                    TRSQ@KH@M 2TQUHUNQ was itself a moderate success (albeit
                                                                   UHJXODUO\ EHDWHQ E\ WKH 1LQH 1HWZRUNpV 3GD !KNBJ in view
                                                                   HUVKLS   LWV SUHPLHUH HSLVRGH DWWUDFWHG         YLHZHUV LQ
                                                                   PDMRU FLWLHV  DQG LWV ĺQDOH  RYHU   PLOOLRQ
                                                                     A wide array of paratextual forms of commentary have
                                                                   developed cult followings among 2TQUHUNQ fans. Once the
                                                                   ĺUVW MXU\ PHPEHU KDV EHHQ HOLPLQDWHG  WKH ZHE VHULHV +HED @S
                                                                   /NMCDQNR@ EHJLQV  WKLV VHULHV IROORZV HOLPLQDWHG FRQWHVWDQWV
                                                                   DIWHU WKH\ OHDYH WULEDO FRXQFLO DQG UHĻHFW RQ WKHLU JDPHSOD\ DW
                                                                   a resort dubbed ‘Ponderosa’. There are several dedicated fan
                                                                   VLWHV DV ZHOO DV IRUXPV VXFK DV 6XUYLYRU 6XFNV WKDW UHJXODUO\
                                                                   post conspiracy theories and spoilers. Former 2TQUHUNQ  3GD
                                                                    L@YNM FRQWHVWDQW 5RE &HVWHUQLQRpV 1NA '@R @ /NCB@RS GLV
                                                                   cusses not just the American 2TQUHUNQ but also other reality
                                                                   VKRZV  LQFOXGLQJ WKH 86 YHUVLRQ RI !HF !QNSGDQ and  TRSQ@KH@M

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