P. 92

least ` 115 crores should be in gold and the     6)  Collection and Publication of Data : RBI
                 remaining ` 85 crores should be in terms of       collects and compiles statistical information
                 foreign currency and government securities.       related  to  banking  and other  financial

              2)  Banker to the Government  : RBI acts             sectors of the economy.
                 as  a banker, agent and advisor to the        7)  Promotional       and     Developmental
                 Government. It transacts the business of          Functions : RBI also performs certain
                 both, the Central and State Governments. It       promotional  and developmental functions
                 accepts money as well as makes payments           such as extending banking services to semi-
                 on behalf these Governments. It also              urban and rural  areas, providing  security
                 undertakes the management of public debt.         to depositors, development of specialized
                 It advises the Government on a wide range         institutions for agricultural credit, industrial
                 of economic issues.                               finance etc.
              3)  Banker’s Bank  : RBI exercises statutory      8)  Other Functions : RBI acts as a clearing

                 control over the commercial banks. All            house for settling  the  accounts  between
                 scheduled banks are compulsorily required         its  member  banks. As a lender  of last
                 to maintain a certain minimum of cash             resort, it also provides liquidity to banks
                 reserves with the RBI against their demand        experiencing financial difficulty.
                 and time liabilities. RBI provides financial   Find out :
                 assistance to banks in the form of discounting     Names of the Central  Banks of the
                 of eligible  bills. Loans and advances are     following countries :
                 also provided against approved securities.
                                                                •  USA              • UK (United Kingdom)
             4)  Custodian     of    Foreign     Exchange       •  CANADA           • SWEDEN

                 Reserves : RBI acts as a custodian of the      •  RUSSIA           • FRANCE
                 country’s foreign exchange reserves. It has    •  GERMANY          • JAPAN
                 to maintain the official rate of exchange of
                 rupee as well as ensure its stability. RBI also   •  CHINA         • AUSTRALIA
                 undertakes  to buy and sell  the  currencies     b)  Commercial banks : Commercial banks act
                 of all the members of the International           as intermediaries in the country’s financial
                 Monetary Fund (IMF).                              system  to  bring  the  savers and investors
              5)  Controller of Credit : As a supreme banking      together. They are profit seeking financial
                 authority of the country, RBI has the power       institutions.  Acceptance  of deposits and
                 to  influence  the  volume  of  credit  created   granting  loans and advances are the
                 by commercial  banks. It also monitors            primary functions of commercial  banks.
                 the  purpose or use of credit.  Quantitative      Commercial banks play an important role in
                 methods  such as bank rate,  open market          mobilizing savings and allocating them to
                 operations, variable  reserve  ratios  such       various sectors of the economy. It includes
                 as  Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR),  Statutory          both scheduled commercial banks and non-
                 Liquid Ratio (SLR) etc. control the volume        scheduled  commercial  banks. Scheduled

                 of credit  created. Qualitative  methods          commercial  banks are those included in
                 such as fixing margin requirements, credit        the second schedule of the Reserve Bank of
                 rationing,  moral suasion etc. regulate the       India Act, 1934. In terms of ownership and
                 purpose or use of credit.                         function, commercial banks in India can be
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