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institutions, investment companies etc. The     4)  National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT)
                 category of borrowers is also different.          and  Real Time Gross Settlement  (RTGS)
              3)  Shortage of funds : Money market faces           were introduced as an improved  payment
                 shortage of funds due to inadequate savings.      infrastructure.
                 Low per capita income, poor banking            5)  Electronic dealing  system  was introduced
                 habits among the people, indulgence  in           to bring about technological upgradation.
                 wasteful consumption, inadequate banking
                 facilities  in  the  rural  areas etc.  have  also   Do you know?
                 been responsible for the paucity of funds in     Recent developments in banking sector :
                 the money market.                              •  Small  Finance  Banks  :  Small  finance

              4)  Seasonal fluctuations : Demand for funds      banks aim to promote financial inclusion
                 varies as per the seasons. During the peak     through supply of credit to  small business
                 season, from October  to June, finance         units, small and marginal farmers, micro
                 is  required  on  a  large  scale  for  various   and small industries and other unorganized
                 purposes such as trading in agricultural       sector entities through high technology but
                 produce, investment in business activities     low cost operations.
                 etc. This results in wide fluctuations in the   •  Payments Banks : A payments bank is like
                 money market.                                  any other bank, but operating on a smaller

              5)  Lack of financial inclusion : Banking         scale without involving any credit risk. In
                 facilities in the country are still inadequate   simple words, it can carry out most banking
                 and inaccessible  to the vulnerable  groups    operations but can’t advance loans or issue
                 such as the weaker sections and the low        credit cards. It can accept demand deposits
                 income groups. This shows lack of financial    (up to ` 1 lakh), offer remittance services,
                 inclusion.                                     mobile payments / transfers / purchases and
              6)  Delays in technological  upgradation :        other banking services like ATM/debit cards,
                 Use of advanced technology  is a pre-          net banking and third party fund transfers.
                 requisite  for the development  and smooth     •  Universal Banks : Universal banks refer
                 functioning  of  financial  markets.  Delays   to those banks that offer a wide range of
                 in upgradation of technology hampers the       financial services, such as, commercial
                 working of the money market.                   banking and investment banking and other
                                                                activities especially insurance. It is a multi-
            Reforms introduced in the Money Market :
                 Following are some of the important            purpose and multi-functional financial
            reforms introduced in the money market :            supermarket providing both banking and
              1)  Introduction of new instruments  such as      financial services through a single window.
                 Treasury bills of varying maturity periods,    •  Local Area Banks : Local area bank
                 Commercial  Papers (CPs),  Certificate  of     scheme was introduced in August, 1996 to
                 Deposits (CDs) and Money Market Mutual         enable mobilization of rural savings by local
                 Mutual Funds (MMMFs).                          institutions especially private local banks
                                                                and make them  available for investments
              2)  RBI  Repos and Reverse Repos were
                 introduced under the Liquidity Adjustment      in the local areas. This helps to bridge the
                 Facility (LAF).                                gap in credit availability and strengthen the
                                                                institutional credit from work in the rural
              3)  Interest rates to be largely determined  by   and semi-urban areas.
                 market forces.
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