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borrower to meet the financial objectives of 2) Insider trading and price manipulation :
both the parties. They consist of merchant Insider trading means buying or selling of
banks, mutual funds, leasing companies, a security by someone who has access to
venture capital companies etc. non-public information or ‘unpublished
information’ for personal benefit. Price
Role of Capital Market in India :
manipulation or price rigging on the other
1) Mobilizes long term savings : There hand means to simply raise the prices of
is an increasing demand for investment shares through buying and selling of shares
funds by industrial organizations and within certain individuals themselves for
the government. But the availability of personal gains. Such illegal practices have
financial resources is insufficient to meet also affected the smooth functioning of
this growing demand. Capital market helps capital market.
to mobilize long term savings from various 3) Inadequate debt instruments : Debt
section of the population through the sale of instruments include bonds, debentures
etc. There is not much trading in the debt
2) Provides equity capital : Capital market securities due to narrow investor base, high
provides equity capital or share capital cost of issuance, lack of accessibility to
to entrepreneurs which could be used to small and medium enterprises.
purchase assets as well as fund business 4) Decline in the volume of trade : Regional
operations. stock exchanges have witnessed a sharp
3) Operational efficiency : Capital market decline in the volume of trade because
helps to achieve operational efficiency by investors prefer to trade in securities listed
lowering the transaction costs, simplifying in premier stock exchanges like BSE,
transaction procedures, lowering settlement NSE etc.
timings in purchase and sale of stocks. 5) Lack of informational efficiency : A
4) Quick valuation : Capital market helps to market is said to be informationally efficient
determine a fair and quick value of both if a company’s stock prices incorporate all
equity (shares) and debt (bonds, debentures) the available information into the current
instruments. prices. However, the stock market in India
5) Integration : Capital market leads to lacks informational efficiency compared to
integration among real and financial advanced countries.
sectors, equity and debt instruments, Find out :
government and private sector, domestic List of regional stock exchanges in India.
and external funds etc.
Problems of the Capital Market : Reforms introduced in the Capital Market :
Following points explain the problems Following are some of the important
faced by the Indian Capital Market : reforms introduced in the capital market :
1) Financial Scams : Increasing number of 1) Securities and Exchange Board of India
financial frauds have resulted in irreparable (SEBI) was established in 1988 but given
loss for the capital market. Besides this, it statutory powers in 1992 to protect the
has also lead to public distrust and loss of interest of the investors and promote the
confidence among the individual investors. development of the securities market.