P. 94

entire banking system in the country, leading     co-operative banks and state co-operative
                 to creation of credit. In short, commercial       banks.
                 banks create deposits out of the loans given          Fig. 9.3 explains the structure of co-
                 thereby leading to crediton.                      operative banks in India :

                                                                Three Tier Co-operative Credit Structure

                                                                                State Co-operative Bank
                                                                          State     (Apex Bank)

                                                                         District    District Central
                                                                         Level         Co-operative Bank

                                                                        Primary          Primary Co-operative
                                                                         Level             credit Societie

                                                                                  Fig. 9.3

                                                                Try this :
                                                                  Collect information of Co-operative
                                                                banks operating in your region at different

                                                                d)  Development     Financial    Institutions
                                                                   (DFIs) : Development financial institutions
                                Fig. 9.2
                                                                   are  agencies  that  provide  medium  and
               Try this :                                          long-term financial assistance. They help
                 Pair the logos given with their respective        in the development of industry, agriculture
               banks as given in the bracket below:                and other key sectors.  Industrial Finance
               (State Bank of India, HSBC Bank, Union              Corporation  of  India  (IFCI)  was the  first
               Bank of India, Axis Bank, Standard                  development  financial  institution  to be
               Chartered Bank, HDFC Bank)                          established in 1948.

                                                                Let's recall :
                                                                   You have already studied in class

              c)  Co-operative Banks : Co-operative banks       XI about NABARD  which is the apex
                 came into existence with the enactment of      institution  in the rural credit structure. It
                 the Co-operative  Credit Societies  Act of     provides credit for promotion of agriculture,
                 1904. Co-operative banks supplement  the       small-scale industries, cottage and village
                 efforts of commercial  banks by meeting        industries, handicrafts etc.
                 the credit needs of the local population.           Development     financial    institutions
                 It fulfills the banking needs of small and        have diversified their operations with the
                 medium  income groups. The co-operative           advent of liberalization and globalization.
                 credit  sector comprises of co-operative
                 credit  institutions  such as primary  co-        They  have set up subsidiaries to offer a
                 operative  credit societies, district  central    wide  range of new products and services
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