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Government to fulfil its short term financial
               behalf of the government to meet temporary          requirements on the basis of Treasury Bills.
               liquidity shortfalls.
                                                                6)  Implementation of Monetary policy :
               • Commercial Papers (CPs) : It is an                Monetary  policy  is  implemented  by  the
               unsecured promissory note, negotiable and           central  bank.  It  aims  at  managing  the
               transferable  by endorsement and delivery           quantity of money in order to meet the
               with a fixed maturity period.
                                                                   requirements  of different sectors  of the
               • Certificate of Deposits (CDs) : They are          economy  and  to  increase  the  pace  of
               unsecured, negotiable instruments in bearer         economic growth. A well-developed money
               form issued by commercial banks and                 market ensures successful implementation
               development finance institutions.                   of the monetary policy. It guides the central
               • Commercial Bills (CBs)  : They are                bank in developing an appropriate interest
               short term, negotiable and self-liquidating         policy.
               instruments with low risk.                       7)  Economizes the use of cash : Money market

            Role of Money Market in India :                        deals with  various financial  instruments
                 The following points outline the role of the      that are close substitutes of money and not
            money market in India :                                actual money. Thus, it economizes the use
                                                                   of cash.
              1)  Short-term requirements of borrowers :
                 Money market provides reasonable access        8)    Growth of Commerce, Industry and Trade:
                 for meeting the short-term financial needs        Money market facilitates discounting bills of
                 of the borrowers at realistic prices.             exchange to local and international traders
                                                                   who are in urgent need of short-term funds. It
              2)  Liquidity  Management :  Money  market
                 is a dynamic market. It facilitates  better       also provides working capital for agriculture
                 management of liquidity and money in the          and small scale industries.
                 economy by the monetary authorities. This,   Problems of the Indian Money Market :
                 in turn, leads to economic stability  and         Compared to advanced countries, the Indian
                 development of the country.                  money  market  is less developed  in  terms  of
              3)  Portfolio Management : Money market         volume and liquidity. Following points explain
                 deals with different types of financial      the problems of the Indian Money Market :
                 instruments that are designed to suit the risk     1)  Dual Structure  of the Money Market  :
                 and return preferences of the investors. This     Presence of both, the organized and
                 enables the investors to hold a portfolio of      unorganized sector in the money market
                 different financial assets which in turn, helps   leads to disintegration, lack of transparency
                 in minimizing risk and maximizing returns.        and increased volatility.  The  unorganized

              4)  Equilibrating mechanism : Through                markets lack co-ordination and do not come
                 rational allocation of resources and              under the direct control and supervision of
                 mobilization  of savings into investment          the RBI.
                 channels, money market helps to establish      2)  Lack of uniformity in the rates of
                 equilibrium  between  the  demand  for and        interest  : The  money  market  comprises
                 supply of short-term funds.                       of various entities  such as commercial
             5)  Financial     requirements      of     the        banks, co-operative  banks, non-bank
                 Government :  Money market helps the              finance  companies,  development  finance

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