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such as commercial  banking,  consumer            labourers, small and marginal farmers,
                 finance,  broking,  venture  capital  finance,    artisans, small traders etc. usually borrow
                 infrastructural  financing,  e-commerce  etc.     money from the money lenders. At present,
                 Thus, development financial institutions are      the activities of the money lenders have been
                 in the process of converting themselves into      restricted by RBI due to their exploitative
                 universal banks. RBI has issued guidelines        tendencies.
                 for development  financial institutions       iii)  Unregulated    Non-Bank       Financial
                 to become  commercial  banks. For e.g.            Intermediaries : They include Chit funds,
                 ICICI (Industrial  Credit  and Investment         Nidhi, loan companies  etc. Under Chit
                 Corporation of India) has become a                funds, members make regular contribution
                 universal bank by a reverse merger with its       to the fund. Bids or draws are made on the
                 subsidiary ICICI Bank.                            basis of a criteria mutually agreed upon by

              e)  Discount and  Finance House of India             the members.  Accordingly, the collected
                 (DFHI) : The Discount and Finance House           fund is given to the chosen member. Chit
                 of India (DFHI)  was  set up in 1988 as a         funds mostly operate in Kerala and Tamil
                 money market institution based on the             Nadu. Nidhi is also a type of mutual
                 recommendations of the Vaghul Committee.          benefit  fund thriving  on the  contribution
                 It is jointly owned by the RBI, public sector     of its members.  Loans are provided to
                 banks and financial institutions to impart        members  at reasonable  rates of interest.
                 liquidity to the money market instruments.        Loan companies are finance  companies.
              2)  Unorganized Sector : The unorganized             They provide loans to traders, small-scale
                 money market in India comprises of                industries and self-employed persons.
                 indigenous    bankers,   money     lenders        Being unregulated, they charge a high rate

                 and   unregulated    non-bank    financial        of interest on loans.
                 intermediaries.  The  activities  of the        UNREGULATED                  NIDHI
                 unorganized  money  market  are  largely          NON-BANK                CHIT FUNDS
                 confined to the rural areas.                      FINANCIAL
                                                               INTERMEDIARIES            LOAN COMPANIES
              i)  Indigenous bankers : They  are  financial
                 intermediaries  that function similar to
                 banks. They mostly deal in indigenous          Do you know?
                 short-term credit instruments such as          Money market instruments :
                 hundi. The rate of interest differs from one     The following instruments are traded in
                 market to another. Indigenous bankers are      the money market :
                 mostly  confined  to  certain  social  strata.   •  Call / Notice  Money Market  : When
                 They are an important source of funds in       money is borrowed or lent for a day, it is
                 unbanked areas and provide loans directly      known as call (overnight) money. When
                 to agriculture, trade and industry.
                                                                money is borrowed or lent for more than
              ii)  Money lenders : They mostly operate in       a day up to 14 days, it is known as notice
                 the villages. Money lenders usually charge     money.
                 a high rate of interest. The loans provided    •  Treasury  Bills  (TBs) : They  are  short
                 by money lenders are for both productive       term  instruments  issued by the  RBI on
                 and  unproductive  purpose. Agricultural

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