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P. 164
Kenya School of Monetary Studies recommendations as we plan for any other inter-
national championships.
Media accommodation
As part of the accommodation department, there
Kenya School of Monetary studies hosted the media were things that needed to be planned in good time
personnel both international. At K.S.M.S. accom- to ensure we do not have any hitches. In regards to
modation volunteers were 3, from other directorates planning there will be need to put mechanisms in
there were no volunteers present. Guests started place so that the process fl ow of accommodating the
checking in on 10th of July. athletes, teams offi cials, technical teams and IAAF
family are seamless.
What worked
In our recommendation, we would suggest the fol-
i. e media personnel were allocated an offi ce
which was fully equipped with office desks
e venue that hosts athletes should be ready
Wi-Fi and printers.
for occupancy a month prior to the athletes
ii. ere was ready and adequate transport.
checking in.
iii. Accommodation volunteers were present
Construction should be complete 2 months
iv. e media personnel were pleased with the hos-
prior to the event taking place.
pitality at K.S.M.S.
Contracts should be fi nalized months prior to
v. TV Screens were put up; therefore it was easy to
the event to avoid last minute rush
follow the championship at Kasarani stadium.
4. e hosting venue should be fumigated prior
incidences of bed bugs and insects
5. to the athletes arriving to avoid embarrassing
We need to ensure that we have professional
i. e Wi-Fi connection was not strong enough.
staff to handle housekeeping
ii. Some local journalists, who had no approval to
6. Accreditation of the supplier and services pro-
stay at KSMS, were given accommodation.
viders should be ready prior to the event taking
iii. Volunteers did not have meals until the second
day after the event began.
ere is need to hire casual workers at the ath-
letes village who will be of great help when
offl oading and carrying items and equipment
i. Ensure the set-up internet is functioning and 8. Ensure there is available transport on standby
for transporting items around the athlete’s vil-
can support a huge number. lage.
ii. Volunteers working tools should be provided 9. Ensure the volunteers who come to assist have
early enough. their kits and accreditation ready in good time
iii. Directions on the specifi c people to be hosted 10. Tools such as computers, printers installed in
at KSMS should be clearly communicated. good time prior to the event
11. Ensure water and beverage is delivered to the
Summary and Conclusion athlete’s village a week prior to the event.
12. e event company needs to be involved in the
e IAAF event was a success and irrespective of the planning process at least three months prior to
challenges, we would advise consideration of the the event taking place.