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                       •   Late accommodation requests:    e accommoda-  What worked
                          tion lead person received last minute accommoda-
                          tion reservation requests. E.g. previous champion   •   Having the hotel organize a special meal menu for
                          athletes arrived at the hotel late and expected   the LOC working teams.    e menu was limited
                          to be accommodated and meals organized.    is   to Ksh. 1500/=
                          presented a challenge with the hotel as the res-  •      e hotels fl exibility in accommodating the ad
                          taurant closed at 10.45pm.    e accommodation   hoc requests from LOC. E.g. late preparation of
                          lead person had to intervene and ensure that the   meals.
                          guests were served as some of guests were old and
                          had children accompanying them.            Challenges
                       •   Cleaning of meeting rooms and guest rooms: the   •   Delays in serving meals:  food service was delayed
                          house keeping team did not keep the rooms con-
                          sistently clean. There were 2 cases reported of
                                                                       because they moved from buff et to Ala Carte hence
                          rooms not being cleaned.
                                                                       aff ected working staff  reporting back to their work
                                                                     •   Driver’s meal vouchers: Drivers did not have
                                                                       meal vouchers hence having them leave the hotel
                       •   Have dedicated vehicles assigned to working
                                                                       premise to look for food.    is led to delays in pick-
                          teams: Volunteers should have had dedicated
                                                                       ing some of the guests.
                          vehicles assigned throughout the event.
                       •   Encourage early booking/reservation of accom-
                          modation: Have champions or future LOC guests

                          confi rm their bookings prior to the event. LOC
                                                                     •   Transport was organized and managed by LOC
                          should replicate the IAAF event booking system.
                                                                       transport committee who assigned a transport
                                                                       manager, 2 volunteers and a Pewin (transport
                                                                       service provider) staff  member.
                      KENYA  YEARBO0K
                                                                     •   All vehicles had IAAF branded car stickers.
                       •   Bed and Breakfast were provided by Windsor
                                                                     •      e transport committee had the following types
                                                                       of vehicles at Windsor;
                       •   Windsor provided meal cards so as to have an ac-  •   Noah & Voxy’s – 7 pax
                       EDITORIAL BOARD
                          count of the number of people being given meals.
                       •   Meals provided were;                         i.   Mini buses – 25 pax
                          i.   10am and 4pm teas & snacks               ii.   Saloon cars – 3 pax
                                                                        iii.   Mercedes Benz – assigned to the IAAF President,
                          ii.   Lunch                                      Vice President
                          iii.  Dinner                                  iv.   Police Chase cars – assigned to the IAAF
                                                                           President & CEO
                       •   Meals were provided for the following;
                                                                     •   Delegates were assigned vehicles as follows;
                          i.   Volunteers & LOC staff  – all meals       v.   Technical teams had dedicated vehicles
                          ii.   VIP Security                            vi.   IAAF staff  had pool cars, Volunteers & LOC staff
                          iii.  Drivers – Teas & Snacks only               also had pool cars.
                          iv.  IAAF staff  – Teas & snacks

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