Page 183 - WU183.indd
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Operations • Our sponsors went above and beyond their man-
date to ensure that the event was a success.
• e success of the event portrayed a positive image
of the country to IAAF, the athletes, media and
those images were showcased in over 200 coun-
tries around the world.
he role of the Head of Operations was to ensure • e IAAF accommodation and offi ces at Windsor
the smooth, successful operation of the IAAF Hotel were well run and received high praise from
TWorld Under 18 Championships based on the IAAF Family.
the IAAF Requirements in the Event Organization • e operational logistics from the visa processing,
Agreement (EOA). e Head of Operations reported arrivals at the airport, transportation, accommo-
directly to the CEO and was tasked with working
dation, all events and departures run effi ciently
with all departments to operationalize their IAAF
with very few incidents which were quickly re-
mandate and ensure that the key elements of the
event were fl awlessly executed.
• e media from all around the world commented
that the hospitality received during the event is
Scope of work
the best they have had at any IAAF event.
• Good communication and quick decision making
• e Head of Operations was the direct contact
during the event with the Ministry of Sports lead-
person to the events director and operation man-
ership and the LOC executive team led to issues
ager of the IAAF.
on the ground being resolved quickly without
• e Head of Operations was also responsible for
denting the success of the games.
managing all suppliers and sponsors to ensure
that they executed their mandate as per their
Head of Operations was deemed a role model for
other countries and bar has been set high for other
• The Head of Operations supervised the event • e Sustainable Sports Engage Program run by the
countries to attain by the Chair of the Council of
management company to ensure they had an
Responsible Sports.
operations lead in each department who would
• Kenya has a very high chance of winning the
help the departments execute their operational
IAAF World Under 20 Championships in 2020
plan for the success of the event.
• e Head of Operations during the event was the and the IAAF World Championships in 2025
due to the success of the IAAF World Under 18
lead mediator whose role was to solve any issues
or crisis on the ground pre, during and after the
Successes Weaknesses
• Late appointment of Head of Operations and the
Secretariat resulted in last minute decisions being
• e IAAF World Under 18 Championships was the made to save the event.
best Under 18 and Under 20 events ever held by • Because of the late appointment of an Secretariat;
a country. is was proclaimed by IAAF. the Directors were involved in operations which
• e transformation of Kenyatta University into a hampered progress as they were not full-time staff
3-star hotel with 5-star dining experience was and were not experts in their functional areas.
globally recognized as the best housing option • e late appointment of the events management
for athletes off ered in an IAAF tournament.