Page 182 - WU183.indd
P. 182
Catering services • The athletes interacted well with the KU
Community and could be seen walking around
• e Nyayo Kitchen was renovated, equipped and comfortably throughout the days.
upgraded to a 3 star facility, and was utilized to ex- • Parapet cleaning company was contracted by
clusively cater for the athletes hosted at the Nyayo the LOC to ensure all washrooms and common
Village. areas were cleaned to required standard. Kenyatta
• e kitchen has an indoor sitting capacity of 1,500. University staff managed the rooms by cleaning as
Provisions were made for an outdoor sitting ar- requested by the participants, making beds and
rangement for 500 persons to cater for any spill- replenishing the toiletries and linen.
over during peak hours. • IMG coordinated the volunteers and managed
room allocation to the athletes.
• With its topnotch facilities and ambience, the
Nyayo kitchen provided an ideal setting for pro-
Challenges faced by the accommodation team
vision of the requisite catering services for ap-
proximately 1600 athletes as well as 400 volunteers
• Water shortage was experienced greatly within the
and security personnel.
fi rst three days of opening the village. is was
• The main provider of catering services was the
necessitated by low fl ow of Nairobi water and lack
Sarova Lodges and Hotels (SL&H) who engaged 46
of borehole water connection at Nyayo 5 with the
Kenyatta University catering staff and 4 technical
water storage at Nyayo 4 borehole.
support members supplement their own staff .
• e performance of the volunteers was below av-
Challenges faced by the catering team
erage. ey did not do their work professionally.
While interacting with the guests, the volunteers
would borrow parts of their sports uniform (jack-
Lack of an automatic back-up generator with the
ets) and even pick room items that they were not
capacity to provide power to all the facility’s equip-
authorized to carry away.
ment posed a serious challenge. This led to some • Some of the door locks, solar tanks and window
equipment being switched off during power out-
panes provided a challenge in some hostels but
ages because the existing backup generator lacks
the technicians repaired them when called upon.
the capacity to sustain the concurrent functioning
• Some of mosquito nets curtains were not properly
of all the equipment.
fi xed. Some suppliers delayed in fi xing window
Accommodation for the athletes
curtains, sheers and mosquito nets.
• Approximately 1,600 athletes were safely accom-
modated in the Nyayo Village during the champi-
onship period.