Page 250 - WU183.indd
P. 250
Kenya and or the Ministry of Sports, Culture Liason Group
and the Arts, such insurance to have a minimum
per occurrence limit of US$ 4,000,000.00 and a The specialized cover for IAAF world under
minimum aggregate limit of US $10,000,000.00 18Championship was available locally although
for bodily injury, property damage and fi nancial under the Insurance Act CAP 487 all insurance poli-
losses (‘public liability insurance’); cies/contracts must be insured by locally registered
Insurance. e directorate therefore approached the
3. Any risks in respect of theft, loss or damages Lloyds Global Market through BRITAM Insurance
to the products supplied to the IAAF DENTSU, Company and AIG Kenya to the American Market
the LOC, Athletics Kenya and or the Ministry through selective bidding for the specialized insur-
of Sports, Culture and the Arts by the commer-
ance and obtained comprehensive Event Insurance.
cial affi liates or other event-related contractors
e department encountered challenges in having the
and suppliers (if ownership is not conveyed to
insurance premiums paid on time as well as having
Athletics Kenya, the Ministry of Sports, Culture
the required withholding certifi cates forwarded to
and the Arts or the LOC) (‘Comprehensive
the insurance broker.
business insurance’) which shall over all such
products from the point that Athletics Kenya,
the Ministry of Sports, Culture and the Arts or
the LOC takes delivery and/or possession of such
In conclusion, the directorate attained its objec-
items until such time as they are returned to the
tives contained in its terms of reference and played a
possession of the owner; and
critical role in ensuring that the Event was a success.
4. Any other risk required to be insured under the
exceed its allocated budgetary allocation in procur-
local law applicable to the event or an event of a
ing services. It is the department’s recommendation
similar standing Additionally, the department ensured that it did not
that the legal and procurement departments of future
committees should have the same helicopter view
The legal directorate took charge of sourcing and
of the committee as the secretariat does in order to
obtaining the requisite insurance that would meet the
ensure that the negotiation, entry into and terms of
IAAF’s requirements and fi t within the LOC budget.
any contracts entered into are within the law.