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                       In accordance with Clause 4.1.5 and 4.2.2 of the Event   As the cost of obtaining and maintaining such in-
                       Organization Agreement the IAAF made a number   surance would have proved too expensive for both
                       of site visits to KU, several hotels in the Westland   the LOC and KBC, the legal department successfully
                       area of Nairobi and other educational institutions in   negotiated with IAAF and obtained a waiver from
                       and around the Event stadium, Kasarani.    e IAAF   this requirement on account of the Event Insurance
                       officials evaluated and approved KU as the most   obtained by the legal department.
                       appropriate location to host all 2,500 athletes and
                       offi  cials in a secure and secluded environment for   National Partners
                       the duration of the Event and in accordance with
                       the IAAF Accommodation Guidelines.               e National Partners received rights permitted under
                                                                     the IAAF Marketing Guidelines and the EOA.
                       Host Broadcaster Agreement
                                                                     To become a National Partner, the Institution had
                                                                     to partner with the LOC either in full Value in Kind
                       Under the EOA, the IAAF owns all media rights relat-
                                                                     (VIK) or partially Value in Kind and Cash.    e Event
                       ing to the Event on a worldwide basis and allowed the
                                                                     could only have 5 National partners as per the EOA
                       LOC to appoint, at its own cost, a host broadcaster
                                                                     and each was permitted to use the designation:
                       to fulfi l the broadcasting obligations set out in the
                       IAAF Broadcast regulations.
                            e LOC entered into a broadcasting agreement
                                                                     ‘National Partner of the IAAF World Under18
                       with KBC- a state – run media organization duly es-
                                                                     Championships, Nairobi 2017’;
                       tablished under the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation
                       Act Cap 221 for the delivery of a high quality live
                       and complete television broadcast of the Event. A
                       key obligation of LOC pursuant to the EOA was the
                                                                     1.   Safaricom Ltd: Title Sponsor – Girl’s Bibs
                                                                     2.   Kenya Airways: Advertisement and Discount
                       requirement to provide a host broadcaster to pro-     e approved National partners were:
                     KENYA  YEARBO0K
                       duce and deliver the audio-visual broadcast signal
                                                                     3.   Sarova: Food and Hospitality
                       of the Event.
                                                                     1.   Safaricom Kenya Ltd.
                         A key challenge experienced was the requirement
                       by the IAAF that the host broadcaster shall maintain
                      EDITORIAL BOARD

                                                                        In consideration of value in kind sponsorship, the
                       the following insurance (“required insurance”), with
                                                                        LOC granted to Safaricom the exclusive rights at
                       each such policy written on an occurrence basis with
                       a minimum limit of US$1,000,000 per occurrence
                                                                        the event to develop composite logos featuring
                       and US$3,000,000 in the aggregate: (a) Commercial
                       General/   ird Party Liability Insurance including   the Event Marks and Safaricom logos and to use
                                                                        such composite logos at the Event Stadium and on
                       personal and public safety and property basis; (b)   Athletes bibs.    e contract included bib sponsor
                       Property/Business Interruption Insurance written   rights as per the EOA and the IAAF Marketing
                       on an All Risk or Special Perils form, covering the   guidelines.
                       host broadcaster’s personal property; (c) Workers’
                       Compensation Insurance as required by Law; (d)   2.  Kenya Airways PLC
                       Errors and Omissions insurance, (e) Production Risks
                       Insurance, and (f) Employers Liability Coverage of         e Airline provided discounts on air tickets of
                       at least US$1,000,000 per occurrence.            eligible athletes and offi  cials, cabin crew pre-
                                                                        sentation of awards and KQ hostesses for the VIP

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