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                       on procurement procedures and regulations and   3.  Kenya Airports Authority
                       perhaps in the negotiation of the hosting agreements
                       at the time of bidding.                             e institution was invaluable with providing
                         A key challenge encountered in reviewing the   logistical and administrative support within the
                       National Partner, National Supplier and Public   Jomo Kenyatta International Airport and provid-
                       Partner agreements was the lengthy period involved   ing advertising space at the International airport.
                       in negotiating these and submitting each to Dentsu
                       and IAAF for approval.                        4.  Ministry of Sports and Culture
                            e documents reviewed can be classifi ed under
                       the following headings:                             is contract engaged both Athletics Kenya and
                                                                        Sports Kenya who played a big role in ensur-
                       Public institutions:
                                                                        ing the event was organized accordingly. Sports
                                                                        Kenya provided hosting services to the LOC sec-
                       •    Government of Kenya – Ministry Sports, Culture
                                                                        retariat for the duration of the planning phase
                          and the Arts
                                                                        and the Event dates as well providing the main
                       •   Athletic Kenya - Organizing Member
                                                                        event stadium.
                       •   Nairobi City County- Host City
                                                                     6.  Kenyatta University- Athletes village
                       •   Kenyatta University – Athletics accommodation
                          and Village
                       •   Sports Kenya
                                                                           e athlete’s village was a core component of the
                       •   Kenya Tourist Board as Magical Kenya
                                                                        Event and served as the “heart and soul” of the
                       •   Kenya Airports Authority
                                                                        championship because it was the “home” of the
                       •   Kenya Broadcasting Corporation
                                                                        Games’ most important stakeholders: the ath-
                                                                        letes.    e IAAF required that the athletes’ Village,
                          ese institutions received the package available in
                                                                        including room and board should be provided
                       their capacity as public institutions as outlined in
                                                                        to house all eligible athletes and offi  cials for the
                      KENYA  YEARBO0K
                       the Marketing Guidelines and the EOA.
                                                                        duration of the Championship. It was also to be
                                                                        secure from the general public and media, be in
                       1.  Nairobi City County
                                                                        close proximity to the venue of the championship
                       EDITORIAL BOARD
                             e Nairobi City Council contract was aimed at   and provide the required services for all athletes
                                                                        and team offi  cials.
                          engaging the Host City to advertise the event and
                                                                          Kenyatta University (KU) is a public univer-
                          ensure the stadium was fi lled to its optimum ca-
                                                                        sity that was within the vicinity of the Event
                          pacity. A mandate that was eff ectively achieved.
                                                                        Stadium, Kasarani 5and had the requisite capa-
                                                                        bility, ability to upgrade and requisite infrastruc-
                       2.  Magical Kenya under the Kenya Tourism        ture to provide hosting and ancillary services for
                          Board                                         the 2500 athletes and team offi  cials as required by
                                                                        the LOC and in accordance with the precise IAAF
                          In consideration of the payment of the sponsor-  Regulations. KU is also registered and accredited
                          ship fee, the LOC granted to KTB the exclusive   by the National Construction Authority to un-
                          rights at the event to provide services in the tour-  dertake construction projects and has a team of
                          ism category    e LOC granted KTB the right to   architects, engineers and contractors who are
                          use the designation “Host” or “Bib-Sponsor”   capable of undertaking construction projects.
                          of the Event on Products, promotional items,
                          advertising and the like.

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