P. 336

                 Campus dakwah            the ideals of “clerical-intellectuals”.    the PKI.  Of the various universities              Ideologically, HMI is often regarded   organizations HMI experienced a heyday
                 activities in Salman     At that time HMI appeared as a kind of   Dachlan Ranuwihardjo, M. Imaduddin                   as an onderbouw (substructure) of the   in the 1970s. Intellectual dynamics
                 Mosque at the Bandung    social revolution of the Muslim students.   Abdurrahim, Ismail Hasan Metareum,                Masjumi, as Victor Tanja said basing his   among HMI activists developed, such
                 Institute of Technology  Along with the establishing process of   Sulastomo, Endang Saifuddin Ansari and               assumption on the decision of the 1949   as the presence of Limited Group by
                 Source: Documentation    the newly nation-state identity, some   others emerged as the leaders.                        Congress that HMI and PII were only    Djohan Effendi, M. Dawam Rahardjo and
                 Salman Mosque ITB        Muslims were also preoccupied with      The development of HMI to becoming a                  student organizations. Another thing that   Ahmad Wahib in Yogyakarta. In addition
                                          political parties and ideological issues   major organization cannot be separated             encouraged many people’s assumption    to the figures above, some national
                                          surrounding the Jakarta Charter as the   from the role of A. Dachlan Ranuwihardjo             was the ideological proximity of HMI with   figures were also born from the womb
                                          Muslims’ attempt to color the nation’s   (Chairman of HMI 1950-1951), who                     that of Masjumi. At the 5  congress in   of HMI such as Nurcholish Madjid, M.
                                          political life. HMI was a students  effort   brought HMI to Jakarta in 1950. The              Medan (1957), HMI demanded Islamic     Amien Rais, FahmiIdris, Deliar Noer, Adi
                                          to characterize the campus lives. At    growth of HMI was also possible                       parties like Masjumi, NU, PSII, and    Sasono, and many others.  Rahardjo
                                          that time, secular student movements    because Dachlan had also been close                   the like to be able to fight for Islam as   underlined that HMI has an important
                                          practically dominated campuses. Having   to Soekarno, who morally supported for               the state foundation of the Republic of   role in shaping Nurcholish Madjid’s
                                          been attached to the Islamic symbols    HMI struggle. Soekarno’s closeness with               Indonesia in the Constituent Assembly.   intellectuality.  The politicization policy of
                                          HMI was clearly having trouble in       HMI is a factor that HMI had not been                 Sitompul asserts that such claim was   the Muslims that was carried out by the
                                          getting new members. The Indonesian     dissolved by the president despite the                legal because the Constituent Assembly   New Order government forced the HMI
                                          political situation that was still unstable   request of PKI. 26                              had the duty write a new constitution of   to take  a cooperative political stance.
                                          also forced HMI to be involved in the                                                         the state. 28                          In such political condition, Nurcholish
                                          fight against the retirn of Netherlands   In the course of time, HMI had become               Sitompul also confirms that HMI and    Madjid issued a very famous slogan
                                          colonialism and also against uprising   a more mature organization and                        Masjumi shared similiar ideology basic    “Islam Yes, Politics No”. This was an
                                          Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI)      increasingly influential among the by                 but HMI remained an independent        attempt to alter the pattern of Islamic
                                          in Madiun. In late 1950s HMI began to   students at either religious or secular               organization and it was not under the   struggle that had been more in politics to
                                                                                                                                                                               the cultural pattern of struggle.
                                                                                  universities. Dachlan asserted that HMI
                                          spread its wings outside Yogyakarta such   has three personal characteristics: 1)             supervision of Masjumi. It had also been
                                          as at the University ofIndonesia (UI), the   integrate with and within the national life      proved that HMI activists were not forced   Internal dynamics within HMI in the late
                                          Institute Technology of Bandung (ITB),   of the nation, 2) to think, to act, and to           to choose Masjumi in the 1955 elections,   1960s shook HMI. Ahmad Wahib and
                                          and Padjadjaran University and others.   move independently, and 3) to maintain               but it was up to their conscience. 29  Djohan Effendi were two HMI activists
                                          In the 1960s, HMI had already had       Islamic brotherhood. 27                                                                      from Central Java, known for their
                                          mass basis in various public universities.                                                    As the oldest and the biggest student   critical and progressive thinking. Since
                                          In 1965-1966 those members would        25. Rahardjo, Intelektual Intelegensia,….. p.329.     28. Agussalim Sitompul, Historiografi Himpunan   the 1967’s they did not feel “at home” in
                                                                                                                                        Mahasiswa Islam tahun 1947-1993. (Jakarta:
                                                                                  26. Saidi, Islam dan Nasionalisme Indonesia,…p.
                                          become the motor of resistance against   85-88.                                               Intermasa, 1995), p.60.                HMI as a student organization, because
                                          24. M. Dawan Rahardjo, Intelektual Intelegensia   27. M. Rusli Karim, HMI MPO dalam Kemelut   29. Agussalim Sitompul, HMI dalam Pandangan   30. Latif, Inteligensia Muslim dan Kuasa,… p. 428.
                                          dan Perilaku Politik Bangsa: Risalah Cendekiawan   Modernisasi Politik di Indonesia. (Bandung: Mizan,   Seorang Pendeta: Antara Impian dan Kenyataan,    31. Rahardjo, Intelektual Intelegensia dan Perilaku
                                          Muslim, (Bandung: Mizan, 1996), p.55.   1997), p. 102.                                        (Jakarta: Gunung Agung, 1984), p.62-63.  ,…… p.37.

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