P. 339
it could accommodate their progressive became the survival of the organization criticized that so far HMI activities were known that HMI Dipo is more moderate,
thinking. Some activists even call HMI it self was at stake. In 1986 the HMI more internal as it did not much get in whereas HMI-MPO tends to be more
for being not the right habitus for Wahib congress in Padang was an effort to save touch with the general public. 33 conservative. Internal challenges have
and Effendi. Internal dynamics (not to HMI from the danger of disbandment. Although HMI is a socio-religious absorbed more energy so lately that HMI
mention the internal conflict) led to the However, there were a bunch of HMI organization, it had a significant role in is less responsive to national issues.
witdrawal of Wahib and Effendi from HMI members that retained the principle the country’spolitical sphere. It is not Reflecting to HMI’s heyday in the 1970s,
in September 1969. 32 of Islam. They then set up Majelis surprising if HMI is often referred to as the future of HMI is expected to be
Penyelamat Organisasi (the Organization more visionary and has more concrete
As student organization HMI had Rescue Council, HMI-MPO). The HMI- the creator of political cadres. Compared
begun to decline in the 1980s. These MPO saw that adopting the single to the other social organizations, there contributions for the nation’s life.
years were in fact the culmination of principle of Pancasila was a diversion is no doubt that HMI had contributed 2) Pergerakan Mahasiswa Islam
the de-politicization policy of the New of the HMI primary mission. Since it most in the efforts to create cadres in Indonesia-PMII (Indonesia
Order government. Various vertical was known there were 2 kinds of HMI, politics. Figures such as Akbar Tanjung, Islamic Student Movement)
conflicts occurred in there years such the HMI Dipo that headquartered in Jl. AdiSasono, M. Amin Rais, and AM Fatwa
as the Jihad Command case (1980), the Diponegoro and the HMI-MPO. HMI Dipo are some of HMI alumni who are active PMII was founded on April 17, 1960 in
Usroh(1985-1986), and Tanjung Priok runs as a formal-legal organization, while at the political level. response to the trend of Islamic politics.
Incident (1984). At the session of the the HMI MPO lived as an underground The era of reformasi gives different Since the 1950s Masjumi had not longer
House of Representatives in August movement until 1998 reform, when the so nuances for HMI. The political been considered as the sole political
1982, President Soeharto suggested called era of Reformasi began. opportunity structure that occurs in party for the Muslims. Political tensions
the idea to reduce class and ideological this era of political change provides an in Masjumi began to appear by the
fanaticism along with the regulation of As a campus Islamic organization, HMI opportunity for HMI Dipo and HMI MPO withdrawal of the former Partai Sarekat
the Single Principle, which finally set in had contributed a lot. In accordance to reunite. The process began when the Islam Indonesia (the Indonesian Islamic
terms of the Act No. 8 1985 on a Single with its main purpose of establishment 22 congres was held in Jambi 1999. Union Party, PSII) from Masjumi in 1947.
Principle Pancasila. This law requires HMI provided the proper understanding The HMI Dipo reassigned the Islamic Dissatisfaction of the ex-PSII figures
all social and political organizations to of Islam to the students. The HMI it principles in an attempt to restore the was also felt by NahdlatulUlama (NU).
make Pancasila as the basic principle of periodically conducted training for the HMI identity as they were also hoping This “traditionalist-oriented” Islamic
their statutes. At the 15 HMI Congress cadres and students such as the Basic for the return of the HMI-MPO. Various association could no longer stand being
in Medan 1983, it was not unanimously Training (Batra), Intermediate Training attempts of reconciliation had been oriented Masyumi leadership. In 1952
agreed that HMI should accept (Intra), and the Senior Course. In undertaken to unify the two HMIs, but NU finally left Masjumi and transformed it
government’s single principle policy. This addition to provide the understanding until now they still fail to reunite. Though self in the a new Islamic political party.
undecisives situation had to be solved of normative Islam, such trainings also
gave insights for new students about normatively both HMI’s have been The political conditions were influential
32. Ahmad Wahib, Pergolakan Pemikiran Islam: equally based on Islam, it is empirically to the more educated members the
Disertai Komentar Pro dan Kontra (edisi digital). organizational skills and communication,
(Jakarta: Democracy Project, 2012), p.12-31. especially for campus life. Rusli Karim 33. Karim, HMI MPO dalam Kemelut,……p.103. 34. Sitompul, HMI dalam Pandangan,…p.62.
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