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politics. At that time NU had become part   of Islam, such as the transformative              NU affiliated students had sparated    Muhammadiyah (Muhammadiyah High
                                          of  PPP (Partai Persatuan Pembangunan/  nature of Islam, democracy, and religious             from HMI, the Muhammadiyah affiliated   School Student Organization, IPM)
                                          United Development Party). In 1972 PMII   pluralism. 40                                       students also made a breakaway.        that was established in 1961, and in
                                          formally declared its independence in   In line with HMI, the alumni of PMII have             IMM was founded in Yogyakarta on       2008 it named itself Ikatan Remaja
                                          the Murnajati Declaration, since in 1974   increasingly put their contribution at             March 14, 1964. There were several     Muhammadiyah or the Muhammadiyah
                                          PMII could join the Cipayung Group. The   the national level. Some of the former              factors behind the establishment       Bond, IRM). Some of the well-known
                                          entry of PMII into the Cipayung Group   chairmen of the PMII Executive Board                  of IMM. Ideologically considered       figures behind the establishment IMM
                                          confirmed the status of PMII as a student   (PB PMII) pursued their political career          the establishment of IMM was due       are Mohammad Djazman, M. AmienRais,
                                          organization, with a high commitment to   through PPP, PKB, as members of                     to the dissatisfaction of a younger    and A. Rosyad Sholeh.
                                          the nation’s affairs.                                                                         generation of Muhammadiyah against
                                                                                  parliament or other national institutions.                                                   Unlike PMII, the establishment of IMM
                                          In the New Order era, PMII was also     In national politics people like                      HMI, the organization which had been   did not lead to either conflicts or frictions
                                          affected by de-politicization process. As   Suryadharma Ali, Muhaimin Iskandar,               considered to be less consistent with   with HMI. This can be sociologically
                                          a socio-religious organization PMII was   Slamet Effendi Yusuf, Maftuh Basuni,                their Islamic modernist ideology. The   understandable since the founding of
                                          affected by the government policy of    Arifin Junaidi, Andi Muarli Sunrawa,                  modernist concept of renewal had       IMM was not followed by the release of
                                          making Pancasila as the single principle.   Otong Abdurrahman, Ali Masykur Musa,              always been an important principle     activists who belonged to the modernist
                                          like other youth and student organizations   and other had joined the political arena.        for the Muhammadiyah students          ideology of HMI. IMM was established
                                          PMII had to take sole principle as a    Another interesting thing was that almost             being an autonomous organization of    in 1964 because Muhammadiyah
                                          necessity. Acceptance of Pancasila as   all members Central Executive Board of                the Muhammadiyah. Sociologically,      was still attached to a moral burden
                                          the sole principle not only meant their   the National Awakening Party (DPP PKB)              the establishment of IMM was also      on the 1949 Muslim pledge, which
                                          submission to the government as an      are the former PMII activists, either at              stipulated by the emergence of many    agreed that HMI was the only student
                                          organization, it also a political strategy.   the national level or at the lower regional     Muhammadiyah universities. The         organization for the Muslims. However,
                                          In line with NU, PMII decided to return   levels. Thus, PMII was not only a mass              dissatisfaction of the young generation   the establishment of PMII was a “good
                                          to the 1926 basic principle (khittah) as   base organization for PKB, but also a              of Muhammadiyah to the ideology of     precedent” for Muhammadiyah students
                                          their tactical struggle by abstaining from   reservoir of highly loyal politicians.           HMI had led to the birth of IMM. 41    to establish their own organizations too.
                                          practical politics. As a consequence, PMII                                                                                           The existence of IMM would rather be
                                          put more focus on the internal affairs,   3) Ikatan Mahasiswa                                 Another sociological factor is that the   an alternate organization for students
                                          namely the development of intellectual   Muhammadiyah (IMM)                                   establishment of IMM was to complete   belong to the modernist ideology. On
                                          capacity and to empowering civil society.   IMM was the last Muslim student                   the organizational structure of the young   the other hand, IMM that is dominant
                                          The-politicization policy of the New Order   organization established during the              generations of Muhammadiyah that had   in universities and colleges of the
                                          government was a blessing in disguise   Old Order era. A few years after the                  established Nasyi’atul Aisyiyah (founded   Muhammadiyah cannot be a threat to
                                          for PMII, because it confirms the moment                                                      in 1931), Pemuda Muhammadiyah          the existence of HMI. Politically, the
                                          of PMII as an organization that wanted   40. http://rayonsyahadat.wordpress.                  (founded in 1932), and Ikatan Pelajar   establishment of IMM is in conjunction
                                                                                  com/2012/01/11/kepmiian/ (being accessed on
                                          to put high commitment to other aspects   March 8, 2014).                                     41. Latif, Inteligensia Muslim danKuasa,…p. 436.  with HMI confrontation with the PKI;

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