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state-politics. Starting from an education a small community called the campus 30, 1964. Other LDK, such as Jamaah the medium for community building.
(tarbiyah) movement, small study- community, in which students are the Sholahuddin at UGM was founded in This is the primary role of LDK that
groups at public university campuses in most important element. 1976, whereas UKMKI Airlangga was has been been carried out for the time
Indonesia since the 1980s, along with the As the name implies, Lembaga Dakwah established on March 30, 1984. The being. Considering range in performing
world of openness of the reform period, Kampus is an institution engaging period from 1970 to 1980 was the most activities to the academic community
the movement had been transformed difficult period for the Indonesian Muslim widely as well as general populace
into two organizations that would be in Islamic propagation by making students due to the heavy handed around the campuses the LDK has
the campus as its core strength. All
explained below: Lembaga Dakwah members of the academic community policy of the New Order government. indeed a strategic position. Second,
Kampus (the Campus Propagation The students’ attitude of establishing LDK as an articulator. It means that LDK
Institute, LDK) and Kesatuan Aksi are the subject as well as the object of an Islamic propagation agency on serves to contrive people’s aspirations,
Mahasiswa Muslim Indonesia (the their messages. The differing objective campuses was a good decision and in calling for goodness and eradicating
Indonesian Muslims’ Student Action circumstance of each campus leads LDK strategy in order to keep preaching, while evils. In practice, such an articulation of
Union, KAMMI). in each campus to develop their own they do not have to interact with the LDK (either oral, writing, or action) for the
names and patterns of propagation in sake of credibility, impetus, and the given
1) Campus Propagation Agency accordance to circumstances they have government. Other LDKs were founded effect, is delivered by way of cooperating
at the end of the New Order period, when
(LDK) to face. LDK on the UGM campus, for with other propagation exponents,
instance, is named Jamaah Shalahuddin the political situation was also improving, especially the Islamic press.
Campus Propagation Agency (LDK) is (JS) in ITB, its called, Jama’ah Salman in were even founded after the refer a of
an intra-campus student organization ITB, Forum Remaja Masjid (the Mosque reformation. Third, LDK as a mediator. Along with its
founded in every university in Indonesia. Youths Forum) in UI Jakarta, Unit owned access, LDK plays its role as a
At each campus, names of the LDK Kegiatan Mahasiswa Kerohanian Islam Normatively, speaking the main purposes mediator between people on one hand,
may vary, such as the Islamic Spiritual (the Islamic Spiritual Student Activity of Islamic propagation on campuses and the decision makers on the other
Section, the Forum of Islamic Studies, Unit, UKMKI) in Airlangga University were state wellprepared young Islamic hand. Sometimes aspirations of the
Campus Propagation Agency, Board Surabaya, and Mahasiswa Pecinta cadres to optimize the role of campuses people come to a standstill as those do
of Islamic Spirituality, and so forth. Masjid (Mosque Lover Students, MPM) in in an effort to transform the society into not arrive to the competent authorities;
According to their line of action (khittah), UNHAS Makassar. Moreover, LDK also an ideal Islamic society. To achieve while there are unpopular government
LDK is a student organization engaging develops recently in faculty levels with so their goals, LDK has multiple functions policies among people because of
in the propagation of Islam on campuses many different names. as explained below. First, LDK is their lack of understanding on people’s
to enforce the word of God by way of 45. Read more in Ismail Yusanto, “LDK antaraVisi, aspirations. In this context, the role
“commanding the good and forbidding LDK is founded at different periods Misi, dan Realitas Sejarah Perkembangannya”, a of mediation (of cultural and political
paper delivered in the interconnection Forum of
the evil” (amar ma’ruf nahi munkar). Such along with their different historical the Campus Propagation Agencies Region I at the brokers) becomes important. Fourth,
a movement focuses their activities in situations. Among the existing LDK, the Islamic University North Sumatera, Wednesday LDK as a facilitator. All ideas, accesses,
Jamaah Salman at ITB is the earliest Juni 11, 1997. See http://syariahpublications. and facilities owned by LDK can play
44. com/2007/04/21/dakwah-kampus/(being accessed
Kampus (being accessed on March 8, 2014). LDK formed. It was established on May on March 8, 2014). their roles as facilitators in various
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