P. 341
NU. In addition to the political aspect, time Mahbub was still an HMI activist. organization under NU. It was an effort to way of joining into the 1966 Kesatuan Dakwah Management
sociological conditions also give the However, the establishment of PMII make PMII as an open organization to all Aksi Mahasiswa Indonesia dan Kesatuan Training in Salman
impetus to the growing numbers of which is basically the act of desertion of groups, especially to the people whose Aksi Pemuda Pelajar Indonesia (the Mosque at the Bandung
the educated group of the NU. The the students affiliated to NU, by which aspirations have not been channeled Indonesian Student Action Union and Institute of Technology
first organization emerged within PMII was then considered by HMI as within HMI. The establishment of the the Indonesian Youths-Student Action Source: Documentation
the educated group of NU is Ikatan “treason” against the decision of the progressive students organization was Union, KAMI-KAPPI), PMII was also Salman Mosque ITB
Pelajar Nahdlatul Ulama (the Nahdlatul 1949 Muslim Congress. Therefore, some a way to shape the resilient character of actively involved in expelling PKI from
Ulama Students’ Bond, IPNU) that was PMII leaders such as Mahbub Djunaidi, the Muslim students so they would be of the Indonesian soil. However their
established in 1954 to accommodate were then expeled from HMI. 35 able to contribute something positive to dependence on NU made PMII become
both high school and the university Mahbub confirmed that the establishment the nation. less independent as they could not join
students. Several attempts to establish of PMII was due to the fact that HMI Along with the growth of the educated the Cipayung Group that consisted
university student organizations could not accommodate the aspirations groups in Indonesia, PMII managed to of HMI, GMNI, GMKI, and PMKRI. The
had been conducted such as by the of the students leaning to the Islamic grow and develop rapidly. The massive dependency of PMII was not only in terms
establishment of Ikatan Mahasiswa traditionalist group (Ahlus Sunnah wal participation of the traditionalist students of the organizational matter, but also in
Nahdlatul Ulama (the Nahdlatul Ulama Jamaah). Although the establishment to PMII helped to accelerates the growth
University Students’ Bond, IMANU) of PMII was a reflection of dissatisfaction of organization. In the late 1960s, PMII 39. The Cipayung group is a communication
forum for extra-university student organizations
and Keluarga Mahasiswa Nahdlatul felt by some parts of the HMI members, had reached thousands of members that are independent and free from any kinds of
Ulama (The Nahdlatul Ulama Students but the establisment of PMII cannot be most of the were IAIN students. In cooptation of political parties. The initiators of
Fellowship, KMNU) that was established separated from the endorsement of NU 1961 PMII Congress was attended by this group are Akbar Tanjung (at that time the
chairman of HMI), Kris Siner Key Timu (at that
in 1955. However, the extant student as the parent organization. 13 branches, still being dominated by time Chief Presidium PMKRI) and BinsarSianipar
organizations received lack of support branches in Java and Sumatra, while the (at that time chairman of GMKI). Cipayung group
has high loyalty to the Indonesian state-nation.
from the leadership of NU, because As its name implies, PMII was expected 2 PMII Congress in Yogyakarta was Now it develops Cipayung Group Plus comprises
those organizations were feared to to become a dynamic and open attended by 31 branches including those HMI, GMNI (Gerakan Mahasiswa Nasional
undermine the newly established IPNU. organization. The name “movement” is of Kalimantan and Sulawesi. 38 Indonesia), PMKRI (Persatuan Mahasiswa Katolik
Republik Indonesia), PMII, IMM (Ikatan Mahasiswa
After the condition of IPNU was strong expected to accommodate the dynamic Muhammadiyah), KAMMI (Kesatuan Aksi
enough, the 1960 IPNU conference aspirations of the young intellectuals. The national spirit of PMII was also Mahasiswa Muslim Indonesia), GMKI (Gerakan
evident in the organization’s commitment
Mahasiswa Kristen Indonesia), Hikmahbudhi
in Yogyakarta confirmed the need for The organization deliberately abstained to the state affairs. In addition to engaging (Himpunan Mahasiswa Buddhis Indonesia, KMHDI
student organizations. Furthermore, in from using the name “NU” such as into the political transformation process (Kesatuan Mahasiswa Hindu Dharma Indonesia).
April 1960 PMII was formally established previously attached to some student from the Old Order to the New Order by Up to now, Cipayung group is still active in meeting
and issuing statements for the democratization
in Surabaya with Mahbub Djunaidi as the 35. Latif, Inteligensia Muslim danKuasa,…p. 435. process for better Indonesia. See http://www.
chairman, Khalid M. Al-Mawardi as the 36. Further see an interview with Mahbub in http:// 37. Latif, Inteligensia Muslim danKuasa,…p. 434. nasional/2014/01/16/kelompok-
vice chairman, and M. Said Budairy as 2013/04/07/ 38. cipayung-plus-desak-seepeserta-pemilu-buat-
lahirnya-pmii.html (being accessed on March 8,
pakta-integritas (being accessed on March 8,
the general secretary. Actually, at that (being accessed on April 18, 2014). 2014). 2014).
330 Indonesian Islamic Culture in Historical Perspectives Indonesian Islamic Culture in Historical Perspectives 331