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the neglected Muslims’ voice; 7) campus   KAMMI’s presence seemed to represent   KAMMI’s vision of struggle was to be   society, to strengthen the process
 de-politicization that has sterilized   a spirit of “new Islam” that reflects the   a forum that would give birth to strong   of democratization, and to promote
 students’ roles.  “totality”, in all the purpose, struggle,   cadres of future leaders in the efforts   Muslim brotherhood and the nation by

 The selection of the name Kesatuan   and the social political behavior. In other   to achieve an Islamic community in   constructively critical to the state policy
 Aksi Mahasiswa Islam Indonesia,   words, KAMMI  really wanted to reflect   Indonesia. To manifest this vision, there   that had marginalized communities.
 then is shortened KAMMI, for the   a portrait of the ideal youths of Islam, as   are some agendas that had to be done.   In relation to there ideas, there are
 movement meant that as it has some   a pious generation, upholding Islamic   Firstly, fostering Islamic values, faith,   some referred principles of KAMMI’s
 consequences, namely:  morality in various aspects of life (kaffah).  and devotion of the Indonesian Muslim   movement, namely: the victory of Islam
                                                 as the soul of struggle; sleaze as an
          students; second, to explore, develop,
 3.   KAMMI is an organized force that   At the relatively young age, KAMMI   and strengthen the students’ intellectual   eternal enemy; Islamic solution as an
 unified various elements of students.  was very popular. In fact, along with   social and politic all potentials; third,   offer of the struggle; improvement as
 4.   Either as an individual or as an   the attached strong Islamic spirit the   to brighten and to improve the quality   the tradition of struggle; the Muslim
 institutions the Muslims have agreed   organization has attracted students of   of Indonesian society to become the   leadership as the strategy of struggle;
 to work together KAMMI.  major campuses like UI, ITB, UGM,   devoted to God (rabbani) and the   and brotherhood as the nature of
 5.   KAMMI is a movement on oriented   and Unair. In fact, in Islamic labeled   civilized (madani) society; Fourth, to   KAMMI’s intercommunication. 51
 to a real and systematic action based   campuses such as UIN or IAIN,   promote and to maintain communication,
 mature ideas  on reform and the   KAMMI also well develops, especially   solidarity, and cooperation of Indonesian   Almost similar to LDK, KAMMI is also
 formation of civilized Islamic society.  at the faculties of science such as   students in solving social and state   known as an education (tarbiyah) agency.
 6.   The core strength of KAMMI is   natural sciences, chemistry, physics,   problems; and fifth, to cooperate with   Strict and tiered regeneration system
 students  various strata committing to   mathematics. This seems to correspond   elements of society in the spirit of   of this campus Islamic organization is
 the clear and correct struggle of Islam   with KAMMI’s statute as an extra-  bringing kindness, spreading benefits,   different from the other Islamic student
 and nationalities.  campus organization that united all   and forbidding evil (amar ma’ruf nahi   organizations such as HMI, PMII or
 7.   The vision of KAMMI’s movement is   Indonesian Muslim students regardless   munkar). 50  IMM. KAMMI’s propagation pattern is
 based on an understanding of reality   of ethnicities, races, and classes. KAMMI   considered as a breakthrough on the old
 of the Indonesian nation with so   unified Indonesian Muslim students   In addition to these ideas, KAMMI serve   propagation patterns like sermon and
 many diversities, so that KAMMI will   who willing to cooperate in building   as a forum and partner for Indonesian   classical patterns as conducted by HMI
 cooperate for the goodness and the   the Indonesian nation-state. It is not   students who want to maintain justice   or PMII. The education (tarbiyah) system
 progress of the Indonesian people,   surprising that in its struggle, KAMMI   and righteousness through healthy   produces cadres not only belonging to a
 nation, and homeland. 48  embraces all elements of students from   and responsible national development.   strong religious commitment but also a
 Different from the appearance of several   various campuses, both in the western   KAMMI also took part as a partner to   strong solidarity among members.
 other Islamic student organizations,   and eastern parts of Indonesia. 49  the community in efforts to build civil   Lastly, nationalism and political
 48. “KilasBalikSejarah KAMMI” in http://kammi.  49. “Profil KAMMI” in  50. “Profil KAMMI” in  51. AndiRahmat and Muhammad Najib.Gerakan
 org/ke-kammi-an/sejarah.html(being accessed on   an/sejarah.html(being accessed on March 8,   an/sejarah.html(being accessed on March 8,   Perlawanan dari Masjid Kampus. (Surakarta:
 March 8, 2014).  2014).  2014).                 Purimedia, 2001), p.189-193.

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