Page 23 - Online Fasting Journal 2020
P. 23


             One thing that has always been a tremendous blessing to me during any prolonged
             fast is to journal my prayer requests, spiritual experiences and reflections of my times
             in prayer and meditation.  However, even if you decide not to journal or keep track of
             your fast in some way, you should create a prayer list.  I found the creating of prayer list
             is a wonderful way to keep a record of the things that you want to keep before the Lord
             during the fast.

             I create several prayer lists: one with spiritual goals and desires; another for those for
             whom I am praying for salvation, healing and deliverance; yet another for personal
             needs and wants; and yet another for city, state, national and global governments and
             humanity as a whole; and so on.

             I cannot underscore the power of the journey of prolonged fasting.  It is a wonder-
             ful time of renewal that begins with writing down what it is you are fasting for or about.
             Sometimes in prayer, I just wave my list before the Lord.  For while God already knows
             what we are in need of before we ask, He uses the vehicle of prayer for us to make
             known our request to Him.

             During your fast, you will gain clarity on issues and receive  answers to questions that
             you have before God.  Use your fasting journal to capture those moments of en-
             lightenment, and visions and times of refreshing in the presence of the Lord.
             You can purchase a journal, use a notebook you have around the house or create an
             online or word document (offline) to chronicle your 21-day journey of fasting and prayer.
             Your choice, but whatever method you choose, I encourage you to make the choice to
             journal.  You’ll be glad you did!

                    JOURNALING YOUR

                                        fasting journey

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