Page 21 - Online Fasting Journal 2020
P. 21


            Don’t be afraid or intimidated and think you cannot do this fast because YOU CAN!
            Remember God knows your heart and it is God who accepts your sacrifice!
            As the title implies, on this fast, you eat one bowl of soup a day. It is suggested that you
            have your soup in the middle of the day, say around 3:00 pm or so, unless you work at
            night. The time of day you eat is strictly up to you.

            There is no scripture precedent for this fast, it was designed to give some sustenance
            during a prolonged fast, as opposed to a strictly a liquid fast with broth and water.

            A Bowl of Soup

            Your soup should be mostly broth but can be any type of soup you prefer. However,
            you should take caution in choosing soups after the first three days or so. For example,
            heavy cream based soups like chowders can cause discomfort, so I recommend soups
            that are easily digestible. This is due to the fact that as the fast progresses, you will be-
            come more sensitive to the ingredients in your soup. You will find that simple soups with
            mostly broth is best. Also, I would avoid any soup with pork or red meat – again, this is
            just for your benefit as your progress in your fast.

                                           A GUIDE TO

                              soup or liquid fast

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