Page 10 - 追思的話- 陳崑南牧師
P. 10
謝詞 Words of Appreciation ~ Brian
want to echoed what Wilbur already
I touched on and once again thanked eve- 我
ryone from near and far for coming to help us 再次感謝來自遠近的所有人來與我們
celebrate the life of our beloved “Daddy”.
Daddy always knew God had a place
for him in his kingdom. He never feared 爸爸總是知道上帝在天國裡已經為他
death because of his faith. He even argued 預備好他的位置。因為他的信仰所以他從不
with his urologist when he refused to have a
biopsy done for his prostate. “Are you not 害怕死亡。當他拒絕為他的前列腺進行活組
afraid of cancer? Don’t you want to find out?”. 織檢查時,他甚至與他的泌尿科醫生爭論。
He laughed at his doctor and asked his doc-
tor “what kind of pastor would I be if I fear 當他的醫生問 “你不害怕癌症嗎?你不想
death?” He always knew that he has a place 知道嗎?“他笑著對醫生說 “如果我害怕
ready for him in the kingdom of heaven next
to our Heavenly Father. And that gives me 死亡,我會是一個怎樣的牧師!”他深信在
comfort. 我們天父旁邊已為他準備好地方。這讓我很
Many people over the years have 安慰。
complemented me for having the internal for-
titude to live with my in-laws. I often just 多年來,許多人都讚賞我內心的毅力
sheepishly accept their complements. But 能與我的岳父一起生活。我經常只是羞怯地
deep down, I have always known that I was
not the one to be credited. My in laws, espe- 接受他們的讚美。 但在內心深處, 我一直都
cially, my father in law as many have testified 知道我不是那個值得嘉獎的人。 我的姻親,
today, is a very understanding and loving
person so it was really my pleasure to have 特別是我的岳父,今天在大家的分享中,我
lived and learned from him all these years. 們知道他是一位充滿同理心與愛的人。所以
He has shown me his unwavering faith
through his battle with Parkinson’s and that’s 這些年來我很高興能夠與他生活和學習。他
something I will take with me forever. He truly 通過與帕金森的戰鬥向我展示了他堅定不
lived by the word of God and the examples
set by Jesus. 移的信念,這是我將永遠無法忘記的。 他真
LOVE is Jesus greatest command- 實地依靠上帝的話語和耶穌設定的榜樣。
ment according to the Gospel of Mathew 依據馬太福音 22 : 35-40, 愛是耶穌給
22:35-40, “You shall love the Lord your God
with all your heart and with all your soul and 我們最大的誡命:“你要盡心、 盡性、盡意,
with all your mind. This is the great and first 愛主你的上帝。這是偉大的第一條誡命。第二
commandment. And a second is like it: You
shall love your neighbor as yourself. On 條的誡命:你應該愛你的鄰舍, 像愛自己。 這
these two commandments depend all the 兩條誡命是律法和先知一切道理的總綱 。“
Law and the Prophets.”
So have more patient, show more at- 所以要有更多的耐心,更多的關懷,並
tentions, and hug your love ones. 擁抱你所的愛人。
Thanks again for your support and love. 再次感謝您們的支持和關愛。