Page 8 - 追思的話- 陳崑南牧師
P. 8

Now  looking  back.  Ah-Kong’s  life
                 And most importantly, his biggest ap-
          petite was for God. And that’s the reason we           was a big giant puzzle. Each piece repre-
          are  all  here  today.  He  brought  all  of  us  to-  sents a chapter of his life. Each piece re-
          gether and closer to God. Anyone who was               flects  on  an  inspiring  sermon  that  he
          around  Ah-Kong,  experienced  his  genuine            preached, each piece symbolizes a person
          generosity,  compassion,  humility,  and  self-        that he cared for and prayed for. When a

          lessness.  He  understood  what  it  means  to         puzzle piece was lost, Ah-Kong would find
          be adopted into God’s family and he treated            it and put it where it belongs. Just like the
          everyone  like  his  own.  He  loved  us  and          lost sheep in the bible.  Little by little, piece
          cared for us unconditionally, and he made it           by piece, after 80 years, with so much love
          a  life  mission  to  spread  that  love.  Even        and care, Ah-Kong’s puzzle is finally com-
          though he is no longer here with us, his love          plete.  This  puzzle  is  so  extraordinary  &
          still lingers among us. And that is his testi-         beautiful  and  we  are  all  a  part  of  it.  Now
          mony and legacy.                                       he’s  admiring  it  from  above.  Smiling  with
                                                                 so much joy and pride in his heart.

                 Before I conclude. I want to share one
          last picture. This was the last time he came                   Ah-Kong wasa shepherd, a pastor ,
          to stay with us in California.                         a loving father, a husband, a world travel-
                                                                 er, a photographer, an amazing storyteller,
                                                                 and he will always be our guardian angel.

                                                                 Ah-Kong, We really miss you and love you.

                                                                 Ah-Kong...…, save some mangos for me
                                                                 in heaven.

                                                                 追思的話                                      ~凱怡



                 Every time he came to visit; Kevin & I          如果你和他一起吃飯,你會知道他是個很能吃
          would buy a whole new set of puzzles for               的人,我的家人總是驚訝於他一餐的食量。 每
          him. Even though his hands would shake so              次飯後他都會看起來很開心和滿足地說“喔!
          much from his Parkinson’s, and sometimes               吃足(tsiok)飽”。 我們都知道他肚子飽了,他

          he would lose a couple pieces here and                 的心也很滿足。他是一個非常幸運的人,因為
          there, Ah-Kong would still spend most of his           他被 A-Ma 的烹飪手藝給寵壞。 阿公很會享受
          day trying to finish the puzzle.
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