Page 7 - 追思的話- 陳崑南牧師
P. 7

Word of Remembrance – Ah-Kong    ~ Kelly Hu

                 eing Ah-Kong’s first granddaughter, I                  His appetite doesn’t just end with food.
           B  had the privilege to share many meals              He  had  a  huge  appetite  for  knowledge.  Ah
           with him. -- And here’s a picture of me eat-          Kong  was basically  a  walking  encyclopedia.

           ing mango with Ah-Kong –                              He loved to read and was extremely passion-
                                                                 ate  about  learning.  Besides  his  in-depth
                                                                 knowledge  on  theology,  he  was  extremely
                                                                 well versed in so many other fields such as –
                                                                 literature, cultures, history, arts, science, poli-
                                                                 tics,  music,  you  name  it.  Anyone  who  sat

                                                                 down  and  talked  with  him  for  10  minutes
                                                                 would  probably  learn  something  new.  Ah
                                                                 Kong was a man of few words, but whenever
                                                                 he spoke, it was always full of so much wis-
                                                                 dom, passion and conviction. He inspired us
                                                                 to keep on learning and pursue our passion
                                                                 wholeheartedly.  Because  of  Ah-Kong,  our
                                                                 family  is  now  full  of  musicians,  artists  and

                                                                 even a pilot.
           If you ever shared a meal with him you                       Ah-Kong  also  had  a  great  appetite
           would know, man he could eat, my family               for God’s creation – He was a world travel-
           was always amazed by the amount of food               er. He loved to explore new places, and he
           he could eat in one setting. Every time af-           used  to  show  me  all  the  beautiful  photo-
           ter a meal, he would look so happy and
                                                                 graphs  he  took  from  his  travels.  When  I
           satisfied and he would said “oh so full”(喔!           was young, before Google maps, I remem-
           足(tsiok)飽). I always knew that physically             bered Ah-Kong would stay all night up and
           he was full, and his heart was also full. He          study  the  maps  before  we  go  on  a  road
           was a lucky man because he was very                   trip.  He  would  show  us  the  route  we  will

           spoiled by Ah ma’s cooking. Ah-Kong had               take, all the national parks we see and the
           a huge appetite for food (which I definitely          history  behind  the  cities  we’d  visit.  He
           got that from him) but a bigger appetite for          taught us to see beauty through nature and
           fellowship. Every time we ate together, he            appreciate God’s creation. And now when-
           would share his life stories, asked us about          ever  I  travel,  I  tried  to  see  the  world
           our day, our passion and goals. He lis-               through  his  lens  and  find  beauty  in  every
           tened with his heart. And every time we               little corner.

           talked, it was always so simple, so sweet
           and full of so much joy. And I really miss it.

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