Page 3 - October 2018
P. 3

An easy fix, but was very surprising to learn, that
                                                                   with one failed flap, the airplane did not roll over as
                                                                   we, and many other people expected. This was a
                                                                   very good demonstration of what a superb handling
                                                                   aircraft the Chipmunk is and gave me enormous

                                                                   As it turned out the more we researched the type
                                                                   certificate and the airplane’s history, we realised
                                                                   there was no need to get a Canadian registration.
                                                                   With Phil and Graham’s help we could maintain
                                                                   KDN’s identity and heritage and continue to fly it as
        De Havilland Canada Chipmunk DHC-1 G-                      it has been flown since being built in 1947. This
        AKDN — 2016 United Kingdom Tour Pt. 7                      decision also helped focus our plans for the recover
                                                 By Dave Gillespie   job and also the appearance of the final finish. We
                                                                   found many photographs showing KDN’s role in the
        Spring is a happy time on the prairies, but we were not    A&AEE evaluation trials, as well as many images of
        too happy to see the Chipmunk shaped outline of paint      it during it’s time at the London School of Flying and
        on the hangar floor, under KDN. As we were trying to       also in it’s air race competition form. We decided to
        decide what to do about the paint, we went flying. While   preserve it as much as we could. We would only
        flying it from my home runway into Saskatoon, I was in     replace the fabric with new material. We would
        the back seat with James flying up front. As he levelled   strip all the paint off and expose the original bare
        off and started to accelerate I noticed the fabric on the   aluminum, as this was the way it appeared when it
        right wing starting to peel back from the inboard leading   came out of the factory and shipped to England. It
        edge! James immediately slowed down to minimum             had a dark green stripe with cream colour edges
        airspeed and we limped back to my airfield.                running the length of the fuselage and curving up

        The Chipmunk was advertised as deHavilland’s first all     over the nose. The line was broken with green and
        metal trainer. This is odd, because half of it is covered in   cream registration letters on each side of the rear
        fabric. Perhaps they meant that it had no structural       fuselage. There were also huge green and cream
        wood. Who knows? We had an airplane that obviously         registration letters running across both wings top
        needed a complete fabric recover job. Most of the          and bottom . The aluminum was polished bright
        material was ok, but a few critical areas, like the leading   silver and the fabric painted in satin finish silver.
        edge joint was an unusually complex design and prone to    Our goal became to preserve as much of the
        wear. With some expert help, we patched it to get us thru   original airplane as possible. Thus keeping it true to
        the summer as we contemplated our options. The             it’s roots and allowing people to see what it was,
        expense of a fabric recover was substantial, even if we    and still is -a great Canadian design that represents
        did most of the work ourselves.                            the beginning of the deHavilland Canada aircraft

        At the same time, we had been reviewing our options to     dynasty. But first we had to take it apart again, and
        license the airplane in Canada with Transport Canada. We   strip off all the fabric and paint, to expose what was
        had kept the UK registration G-AKDN that it had had since   lurking underneath.
        day one of its operational career. To keep it registered as
        such, we needed a UK resident as part owner. Phil Derry
        was happy to stay as a minority shareholder and have the   to be continued...

        UK registration maintained in his name. We were also
        very glad to have Graham Fox from Bagby, agree to come
        to Canada to do our annual inspections. Lucky for us
        Graham was an avid hunter and looked forward to some
        big game hunting in the great white north.
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