Page 6 - October 2018
P. 6

Wing Structure:
        By the end of May, the whole lower wing skin was
        bonded in place.  Then we temporarily placed the
        four fuel tanks in their appropriate locations,
        supported on a simple rope harness.  The wing was
        lifted high enough to allow parts of the wing jig
        underneath it to be taken apart and disposed of.
         Certain sections of the jigs were retained, and
        wheels attached to the jigs for wing support during
        additional work to be completed on the various
        fittings later in the year.
        We are still on target for the wings to be completed
        to inspection level and re-attached to the fuselage by
        the end of 2018, early 2019. The inspection will take              Cutting the main undercarriage openings
        place at a much later time after all the wing’s internal
        fittings are in place. Only then will the upper wing
        skins be bonded in place.
        The wing was temporarily positioned back on the
        fuselage for two reasons; so that the lower wing
        skins could be trimmed to the required spacing from
        the fuselage (the lower wing skin will have at
        minimum a ¼” gap to the fuselage sides to allow for
        flexing of the wing structure during turbulent flight
        conditions), and secondly to verify the carbon fiber
        engine mount anchor positions (these will be just
        below the wing spar connections to the fuselage)
        which will be extending forward from the engine
        positions through two of the bulkheads in the
        fuselage. The actual steel engine mounts will be
        inserted and bolted in position at a later date.
        The elevon (combination elevator and aileron)
        positions were cut out at the rear of the wing and the
        edges fibre-glassed for strength. Final trimming will
        take place during the elevon fitting most likely in late

        The wing was positioned in its ground attitude and
        water was poured into the various sections of the                   Drilling the drain holes in the wing ribs
        wing structure to determine the optimum position for       Fuselage:
        water drainage holes to be drilled to accommodate          The fuselage underside will be receiving the
        the condensation drainage requirements within the          finishing surface application of epoxy
                                                                   compounds during this coming quarter before
        Just before the end of the quarter, the openings for       the underside access hatch is fitted in place.
        the main undercarriage were cut in the wing. The           This cannot be completed until the fuselage
        ‘contoured’ parts that were removed and will be            surface just ahead of the hatch openings have
        retained for use after the undercarriage assemblies        been re-contoured to provide a smooth
        are installed. They will be used as molds to shape         transition to the hatch position. While this is
        the undercarriage doors.                                   being completed, we will continue to sand the
                                                                   fuselage underside to remove unwanted filler

                                                                   and to prepare the surface for final finishing.
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