Page 7 - October 2018
P. 7

Mounting the underside hatch onto the battery and
        equipment stowage compartments will be addressed
        and should be finished within the next couple of

                                                                   Hours of work sanding the fuselage filler down to an
                                                                   acceptable contour
                                                                   Fuel Tanks:
                                                                   As mentioned above, all four fuel tanks were
                                                                   temporarily installed in the wing structure.  This
                                                                   was to determine the exact position of the
                Preparing the engine mount anchor positions        support tabs the will hold the tanks between the
                                                                   spars.  The tanks remained in the wing whilst

                                                                   the wing was test fitted to the fuselage.  After
                                                                   this was completed, the tanks were removed
                                                                   from the wings for cutting and reinforcing the
                                                                   holes for all the fuel tank fittings and inspection
                                                                   hatches. At this point, the volunteers are
                                                                   waiting for the fuel tank fittings to arrive for this

                                                                   work to commence. After that is completed,
                                                                   there will be additional sealing of the internal
                                                                   surfaces with jet fuel resistant coatings.  Then
                                                                   the tanks should be ready for the tops to be
                                                                   sealed in place, all corners routed and ready for
                                                                   additional fibreglass taping over all the tank
                                                                   edges by late this fall.  Permanent mounting
                                                                   brackets will be epoxied in place on both the
                                                                   fuel tanks and the wing spars. Installation of the
                                                                   fuel tanks is still planned for early 2019.

                Working on the cockpit floor board supports

                                                                   The wing showing the four fuel tanks temporarily fitted
                                                                   between the spars
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