Page 4 - October 2018
P. 4

Climb Aboard!

          Wheels Up! Gala (formerly Out of The Blue) celebrates    Latest BCAM Video Randy Stagg and Gang have a
          the final event held at the current location of the Royal
                                                                   new video telling the incredible story behind our
           Aviation Museum of Western Canada. Help us as we
          embark on the next leg of our journey, which includes    Harvard. Check it out by clicking the link below.
         developing new programming and new exhibits while we
           transition to our new facility. We aim to educate and
            inspire the next generation of aviation enthusiasts.

            Prepare for takeoff as the Royal Aviation Museum
          embarks on the next part of its journey towards a new
                                 future.                                 About Next Month’s Issue
                                                                   The November issue of Prairie Planes will be
           Wheels Up! For a new adventure in aviation history.
                                                                   dedicated to the Remembrance of our
             Sponsorship & ticket purchases can be made at:

           Confirm early to ensure your attendance at the last
                  hangar event at our current location.

                                                                   If you have a family member that served our
                                                                   fine country, send us a photo and a brief
                                                                   history of their service and we will publish it
                                                                   on your behalf to acknowledge their service

                                                                   for all to honour.
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