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                                                                                              November  2019


                                                                          Open hearts. Open minds. Open doors.

         A Message from Hale

              s we near the end of the church year, now is a     the race to the best of my ability?” As we look back
         Agood time to look back at our progress and look        we can probably see a way to shave a few seconds
         forward to our future. Similar to how we evaluate our   off our time, a figurative way of saying that we could
         progress in education, business, and personal lives at   probably do better. This year I want to be thinking of
         the end of every calendar year, we should evaluate      what I can do better for the kingdom.
         our growth in faith.
                                                                 If we are running the race that Paul speaks of, the
         The  church  year  begins  with  “Advent”  and  runs    race of faith, what is the reason for our efforts? Most
         through  “Christ  the  King  Sunday”  which  falls  this   of us are overachievers and want to win. The beauty
         year on November 24th. The church calendar year         of our faith is that even if we don’t surpass everyone
         takes us through Christ’s life as a child, his ministry,   else, we will still win because Christ overcomes our
         passion and death, the coming Holy Spirit and the       shortfalls. What is the prize?  Everyone wants at least
         early church. Christians begin the season of Advent     a  participation  t-shirt.  Yet,  the  prize  in  the  race  of
         in  expectation.  Expectation    may  seem  difficult  as   Christ is eternal life and a crown of righteousness.
         we are already Christians and already know Jesus, so    The  presentation  of  the  prize  is  promised  to  be
         how do we make it new? Well, first by understanding     spectacular.  If  a  golf  champion  donning  the  new
         that we don’t yet know all of Jesus. No matter how      winner with a blazer at the Masters Tournament is
         close we are to our savior, we know we can get even     special,  imagine  how  much  more  remarkable  it  is
         closer. Progress never stops.                           that in our race Christ presents us with the reward.
                                                                 Paul actually says that the Lord will give me on that
         I am not a runner, which may not come as a surprise     day and not only me but to all who have longed for
         to many of you. Yet, last week I saw that the record    His appearing.
         for a marathon was broken in a closed environment
         with a time of 1:59:40. Again, this race was not for    This year I want to live my life as if I am longing for
         competition, but it set a mark that was never thought   Christ’s appearing. I want Him to see that I have run
         possible.  Now that this time as been set,  I assure    the good race, I have fought the good fight and I am
         you that more and more athletes will draw nearer        ready. We need to look back and see where we are in
         and nearer to the two hour mark in future races.  The   our faith, and then set some goals for the new year.
         secret to their success is that they have a goal, and   Let’s run the good race together.
         seek to run better and better each year, never giving
         up on their expectations of victory.                    Blessings
         Paul speaks of running a race with expectation at the
         end of his ministry and near the end of his life in a
         letter to Timothy. He says he has run the good race,
         has fought the good fight and his prize is the crown
         of righteousness which God will give him on that day.
         As I think of the past year, I ask myself: have I run
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