Page 3 - November 2019
P. 3

Navigating the holidays after loss
                  all saints Sunday                                       Workshop with Holland Morgan

                   Sunday, November 3rd
                                                                 Thursday, December 5th  5:00pm  Thorne Room
       This is the day that we remember those in our
       church  who  have  died  within  the  past  year.              hether  it  has  been  a  few  month  or  a  few
       We  will  also  observe  the  sacrament  of  Holy        Wyears since the loss of a loved one, the idea
       Communion on this day.                                   of  “celebrating”  during  the  holidays  can  seem
                                                                nearly  impossible.  Those  who  have  experienced
                                                                loss are encouraged to attend this workshop to gain
                                                                insights about how to best remember those we love
                                                                and have lost as we enter into the holiday season.
                                                                The session will be led by Rev. Holland Morgan, a
                                                                United Methodist pastor and recently retired grief
                                                                counselor  with  Hospice  of  Savannah.  Advance
                                                                registration  is  not  required,  but  is  encouraged  by
                planning for advent                             contacting

                      Christmas Theme        date
                   Wednesday Night Dinner
            Wednesday, December 4th at 5:45 pm

                    "Appalachian Winter:
                     A Christmas Cantata"                                 missions marketplace
              Sunday, December 8th at 7:00 pm
                                                                 Sunday, November 17th  11:00am  Bailey Hall
             Cookies, Cocoa, and Christmas Crafts                 re you having trouble finding the right gift, especially
              Sunday, December 15th at 2:00 pm               Afor those who have everything? Have you thought
                                                              about a donation to a Savannah organization that needs
                    Church-wide Caroling                      our support? You can do both if you come to our Missions
              Sunday, December 15th at 4:00 pm                Market Open House on Sunday, November 17th.

                                                              This “market” provides an opportunity to shop for gifts
                                                              for  those  who  don’t  need  “things”.  Each  of  your  gifts
              christmas eve services                          would  be  a  donation  to  a  Savannah  agency  of  your

                                                              choice serving those in need. One Hundred percent of
                         4:00 pm                              your donations go to the agencies.
                Interactive Family Worship
                                                              Come  meet  representatives  from  these  agencies  at
                         5:30 pm                              Bailey Hall at SIUMC between 11:00 am - noon. Think of
                  Traditional Candlelight                     it as a Win-Win situation: an easy way to shop for gifts
                  Worship & Communion                         AND do something for the community. These agencies
                                                              need our support – what better way to give it!
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