Page 6 - November 2019
P. 6

      youth retreat            youth retreat                             Double feature!

            nov. 7th        Nov. 22nd - 24th  $150 pp           oin us on the front lawn of the church for movies
                                                                   Friday, November 15th  6:00 pm & 8:00 pm
                                Epworth by the Sea
                 e all have a tendency to judge people        Jon  the  big  screen!  We  will  have  an  early  movie
           Wby  what  we  see  on  the  surface,              for families with younger kiddos and a later movie for
           but  Jesus  teaches  us  to  look  beyond  the     families with older kids and youth. Come for one or both!
           circumstances  of  a  moment  and  discern
           matters  of  the  heart.  At  Encounter,  we'll                     on the big screen:
           learn to look beyond circumstances to spot                 The Secret            Indiana Jones and
           the  need  and  hunger  in  ourselves  and  in             Life of Pets         the Temple of Doom
           other people. There is good news - gospel                   6:00 pm                   8:00 pm
           news - to be shared and the offer of new
           life.  Let's  go  beneath  the  surface  to  show
           God and others who we truly are in Him!
           Encounter  costs  $150  and  is  a  weekend
           retreat  designed  for  6th  -  12th  grade
           students to ENCOUNTER God, and each in
           a  very  unique  way.  This  retreat  will  offer
           passionate  worship,  relevant  Bible  study
           and a meaningful time with other teens at
           Epworth By The Sea on St. Simons Island.

                                                                        Young Adult LIFE Group

               upcoming youth events:                                ll  adults  in  their  20’s,  30’s  and  40’s  are

                    2nd Annual Fall Festival                    Aencouraged  to  participate  in  a  new  Young
                 Nov. 3rd  3:00 pm - 5:00 pm                   Adult LIFE Group on Sunday mornings from 11:15
                                                                to noon  while  children  are  in  Rotation  Stations.
               Monthly Monday Morning Prayer                    Our Young Adults are studying the book "Five Love
               Nov. 4th  6:45 am - 7:00 am  $5                Languages" by Gary Chapman.

                     Outdoor Movie Night
                Nov. 15th  6:00 pm & 8:00 pm                                                  youth sunday

                  Weekly Wednesday Night
             Every Wednesday  6:00 pm - 7:30 pm                                                 Youth (Middle
                                                                                                 & High School)
              Weekly Friday Afternoon Hangout                                                    Meets Upstairs
               Every Friday  4:00 pm - 5:00 pm                NOVEMBER lesson                 Led by Luke Hamner
                                                              focus: NOAH'S ARK                 and Jenny Garrard
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