Page 5 - November 2019
P. 5

Music Ministry                           *all are                      ladies book club

       Psalm 98:4-9                                invited to                     NOVEMBER'S BOOK:
       Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the    november's         "Fear Not!" The true story of a cancer survivor
       earth;  break  forth  into  joyous  song       meeting           who was healed and transformed by God
       and sing praises! Sing praises to the                                By: Lisa West, with Elena Bennett
       Lord with the lyre, with the lyre and                              Wed., Nov. 20th  10:30 am  Parlor
       the sound of melody! With trumpets                               he authors of this inspiring book will be with
       and the  sound of the  horn make  a                          Tus to share first-hand about Lisa’s encounter
       joyful noise before the King, the Lord!                      with  the  Lord  that  healed  her  super-aggressive
       Let the sea roar, and all that fills it; the                 cancer and brought her to faith and a personal
       world and those who dwell in it! Let                         relationship with Jesus. Lisa's experience sparked
       the floods clap their hands; let the hills                   a  deep  spiritual  and  physical  healing  and  her
       sing for joy together before the Lord,                       message  will  be  an  inspiration.  "Fear  Not!"  is
       for he comes to judge the earth.                             available for purchase on Amazon.

       I  hope  that  folks  who  read  these       *Because  we  will  have  the  authors  with  us  for  this  book  club
       familiar  words  will  consider  using       discussion,  we want to welcome all  who are interested in
       their  God-given  talents  to  sing  with    attending…including  men  and  those  who  haven’t  attended  our
       the Chancel Choir, to play bells in the      book club in the past.
       Handbell  Ensemble,  and/or  to  play
       an  orchestral  instrument  (eg.  flute,
       clarinet,  violin)  during  one  of  our
       Sunday  morning  worship  services.                                       DECEMBER'S BOOK:
       All  are  welcome  to  participate!                                  "Same Kind of Different as Me"
       Please feel free to speak with a choir                          By: Denver Moore, Ron Hall, Lynn Vincent
       member or with me to find out more                                      Wed., Dec. 11th  11:00 am
       details and how happy you would be                               his  book  is  about  a  modern-day  slave,  an
       "to make a joyful noise to the Lord."                        Tinternational  art  dealer,  and  the  unlikely

                                                                    woman  who  bound  the  two  together.  It's  an
       Soli Deo Gloria                                              emotional tale of pain and laughter, doubt and
       Blessings,                                                   tears.
                                                  We will meet at the church at 11:00 am to carpool to Cohen's Retreat
                                                  to enjoy lunch out as a group and discuss the book. Please RSVP so
            upcoming concerts:                    we have a headcount for lunch by emailing

           "An Evening with Patsy Cline"
          Friday, November 8th at 7:00 pm                       operation christmas child

                                                      peration Christmas child is back! From children to seniors, people
               "Appalachian Winter               Opack shoebox gifts each year to bless children in need around the
              - A Christmas Cantata"              world. The shoeboxes are sent to more than 100 countries. In many
         Sunday, December 8th at 7:00 pm          places,  they  also  offer  “The  Greatest  Gift”,  a  Gospel  story  booklet

                                                  Samaritan’s purse developed. As a result of what they learn in “The
               Brian Lockett, classical           Greatest Gift”, children and families are impacted with the wonderful
              and flamenco guitarist              story  of  Christ.  It  can  all  start  with  you  packing  a  shoebox.  The
          Friday, January 24th at 7:00 pm         shoeboxes will be available all around the church. Please bring the
                                                  packed shoebox back to the church no later than November 17th.
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