Page 2 - November 2019
P. 2

meet our new                                wednesday night dinner tailgate
              office coordinator                             Wednesday, November 13th  5:45pm  Bailey Hall
                                                               $10 for adults - children 16 and under eat free.
           race  Huseth  recently  moved  to
      GSavannah to be closer to family and                                 what's for dinner?
      to  the  coast.  She  first  fell  in  love  with   Homemade Chili and Baked Potato Bar with all the toppings!
      Skidaway  Island  after  swimming  open
      water  in  the  Moon  River  and  taking                     RSVP                      College
      engagement photos with her fiance in the                                              photos...
      state park. Now she has a new reason to            Reserve your spot no later        If you played a sport in
      love Skidaway Island: the lovely people at         than noon on the Monday         college and have a picture
      Skidaway Island United Methodist Church!           before,  by  calling  the       of yourself in uniform, we
      Please stop by the front office to say hello!      church  office,  filling  out   would love to use it as part
                                                         one of the sign-up sheets
                                                         located  on  the  church       of our program after dinner.
                                                                                         You can email a picture to
         meet our new members:                           office  counter  or  outside or
                                                         of Bailey Hall on Sundays.
                Brian & Sally Dunphy                     You may also RSVP online        bring it by the church office
                 9 Sedgewater Retreat                    at                where we can scan it and
                Savannah, GA 31411                                                        hand it right back to you.

                                                             Also, if you have a fun sports-related story to share,
                 Jay & Kara Mehuron                                 please let Michelle know in advance.
                 5 Mainsail Crossing
                Savannah, GA 31411

                 Kyle & Jaime Shaw
                 Connor & Delainey
                    16 Rustic Lane                             thank you from terry coker
                Savannah, GA 31406                 Dear Church Friends,

                    Richard Tuttle                 Words cannot express my heartfelt gratitude for the retirement
                    2 Salette Lane                 celebration you held for me on Sunday, October 20th. Your gift was a
                Savannah, GA 31411                 complete surprise and I was deeply touched by your thoughtfulness
                                                   and generosity. Please know I will always be grateful for your love
                Henry & Nancy Wood                 and trust in me over the past 17 1/2 years and for the opportunity
               11 Morning Marsh Road               you gave me to serve you - all with gladness in my heart! This isn't
                Savannah, GA 31411                 goodbye as I will see you in my new role - a church volunteer.

                 Barry & Kathy Wood                With much love and thankfulness,
                                                   Terry Coker
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