Page 4 - November 2019
P. 4

                                                                               eye-deas group

                                                                           Wednesday, November 13th
                                                                  Spiritual Growth Room   10:00 am - 11:30 am
                                                                lease  join  our  Bright  Eye-deas  low  vision  group  for  a
                                                            Pvery  informative  presentation  by  Kelly  Gordon  from
                                                            the Landings First Responders. Our meetings are open to
                                                            all who are dealing with vision issues that affect daily living
                                                            functions  and  any  supportive  friends  or  family.  We  are  a
                                                            very positive and social group of friends who share what
                                                            works  for  each  of  us,  while  becoming  informed  on  ways
                                                            to make life better through our speakers. Ms. Gordon will
                                                            discuss with us the ways that first responders help in our
                                                            community, the qualifications of their volunteers, and the
                                                            ways in which we can help them to better do their work. If
           second annual fall festival                      you have any questions, or if you need a ride, please call Kay
                                                            Higby at 912-598-9634.
          his  event  is  offered  to  the  community  and
      Tfilled with fun things to do for all ages. We will
      have festival favorites like cotton candy, hay rides,              WINE FOR WHEELS CHARITY
      inflatables,  a  petting  zoo,  carnival  booths,  and     Friday, November 22nd  5:30 pm - 8:30 pm  $75
      more - all at no cost!                                          27 Seawatch Drive, Savannah, GA 31411

      Food  trucks  will  be  available  if  you'd  like  to      ine for Wheels is a fun and creative fundraiser for the
      purchase something to eat. Mark your calendars  WWheelchair Foundation which is the world’s largest
      and get ready for a fantastic, fall afternoon!        wheelchair relief organization. The Foundation’s goal is to
                                                            provide  a  free  wheelchair  to  every  child,  teen  and  adult
                                                            worldwide who needs one but has no way to pay for one.

                                                            The 4th Annual Landings “Wine for Wheels” Charity Cocktail
                                                            Party  benefitting  the  Wheelchair  Foundation  is  Friday,
                                                            November  22nd.  It  will  be  a  party  you  will  not  want  to
         alzheimer's support education                      miss!  We can promise exceptional food and fun in an idyllic

                                                            setting at the lovely home of Gale and Gene Cartledge, 27
                  Educational programs by the               Seawatch Drive.
                    Alzheimer's Association

                Workshop led by Kayley Fleming,             You  will  enjoy  fabulous  wine  tasting,  sumptuous  hors
        Program Manager of the Alzheimer's Association      d’oeuvres, elegant desserts, body-moving steel drum music,
                                                            and bidding on incredible silent auction items! The dress is
          Effective Communication Strategies                “Tommy Bahama” attire. No shorts please and no heels for
                                                            the ladies.
          November 19th  10:30 am  Thorne Room
           xplore  how  communication  changes  when        We hope you will join your friends and neighbors on Friday,
      Esomeone  is  living  with  Alzheimer’s,  how  to     November 22nd for this very special evening. If you would
       interpret the verbal and behavioral communication    like to lend your talents towards making appetizers or mini
       and identify strategies to help you connect and      desserts for the event, please call Patty Kleiber at 925-285-
       communicate at each stage of the disease.            1918. Online registration and donations can be found on
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